It’s Not Your Imagination — All the News is About Republicans

CNN just can’t quit Trump

If you’ve been feeling like all you hear about night and day — not just on the Sunday shows but ALL THE TIME — is Republicans…well, you’re not wrong.

Even if it’s to point out the problems springing forth from the GOP/Trump side of the world, the mainstream media can’t tear its focus from what Republicans say, do, think, eat, drink, etc., ad nauseam.

That Biden and Harris are of the no-drama Obama tradition is no excuse. There are other stories to cover beyond what Trump and his followers will or will not do in the next election (or even the August “reinstatement”). The press hanging on Trump’s every word and deed is part of what got him as our president for four years. And we all know how that worked out.

Let’s say we’ve learned something since 2016 and not keep repeating the mistakes that we’re still trying to repair.

Biden Has Yet to Hold a Formal Press Conference


Associated Press: “President Joe Biden is the first executive in four decades to reach this point in his term without holding a formal question and answer session. It reflects a White House media strategy meant both to reserve major media set-pieces for the celebration of a legislative victory and to limit unforced errors from a historically gaffe-prone politician.”

Keep Talking Trump. You’re Getting Less Popular Each Day


New polls are showing the limits of Americans rallying around their leader in times of crisis.

The more Trump crows during his daily free TV rally that his poll numbers are excellent, the more they show signs of declining. After Trump tweeted a New York Times quote that said, “President Trump is a ratings hit,” Never Trumper Rick Wilson responded:

“This is what you are to him, Americans. An audience. Not his constituents. Not the people who hired him. Not even humans. You’re boxes in a spreadsheet of his Nielsen ratings.”


Jimmy Fallon Says We Can’t Go Back

Jimmy Fallon has been criticized for failing to call out Trump and for having him as a guest during the campaign, helping him prove that Trump hair is actually hair. But now Fallon has taken a stand, and made a statement that turned “was just disgusting” into a trending topic on Twitter.

President Trump? If It Happens, Blame the Media, Bob Garfield Says


If Donald Trump wins in November, it could well be because the media hasn’t done its job.

Garfield: ‘Who the Chuck Todd cares about his tax proposals? It’s like asking Charles Manson about his driving record

That’s according to On The Media’s Bob Garfield, who accuses the press of malpractice in its reporting on Trump. The piece is titled, “How Not to Normalize Trump” and it’s well worth the six minutes of your time to listen.


Fox Calls ‘Clinton Cash’ Lie About Foundation’s Spending ‘Incredibly Misleading’

Eric Shawn
Eric Shawn
One of the more startling assertions about the Clinton Foundation made in “Clinton Cash,” the controversial book by former Sarah Palin adviser Peter Schweizer, is that just 10 percent of the billions donated to the foundation goes to charitable activities. The rest, Schweizer has suggested, is pocketed by the Clintons.

Not surprisingly, Schweizer’s assertion has been proved to false. In fact, the 10 percent figure is such a flagrant lie that it couldn’t even pass muster on Fox. On May 6, Fox viewers were exposed to a rare glimpse of the truth, when Eric Shawn, one of the fake news channel’s “real” reporters, appeared on the network’s flagship broadcast, “The O’Reilly Factor”:
