Reminder: Donald Also Admitted He Sexually Harasses Women

Republicans and their media lapdogs are having a field day over movie mogul Harvey Weinstein’s admissions that he sexual harassed actresses and female employees — trotting out the old “boeth sides do it” trope because Weinstein has contributed heavily to Democratic Party causes and candidates.

They conveniently forget that in the infamous “Access Hollywood” video, which surfaced one year ago this month, Donald Trump also admitted that he routinely uses his celebrity status to sexually harasses women. Since then 11 women have come forward with accusations against him.

To help them remember this important fact, we’re re-posting the “Access Hollywood” video.


Fox Calls ‘Clinton Cash’ Lie About Foundation’s Spending ‘Incredibly Misleading’

Eric Shawn
Eric Shawn
One of the more startling assertions about the Clinton Foundation made in “Clinton Cash,” the controversial book by former Sarah Palin adviser Peter Schweizer, is that just 10 percent of the billions donated to the foundation goes to charitable activities. The rest, Schweizer has suggested, is pocketed by the Clintons.

Not surprisingly, Schweizer’s assertion has been proved to false. In fact, the 10 percent figure is such a flagrant lie that it couldn’t even pass muster on Fox. On May 6, Fox viewers were exposed to a rare glimpse of the truth, when Eric Shawn, one of the fake news channel’s “real” reporters, appeared on the network’s flagship broadcast, “The O’Reilly Factor”:


Fox News Has Stopped Defending Liar Bill O’Reilly

Over the past week, Fox News has aggressively rebutted accusations that its star host Bill O’Reilly lied about his whereabouts during the Falklands War in 1982. But after a new report challenged O’Reilly’s recent claim that he was present at the violent suicide of a Lee Harvey Oswald acquaintance in 1977, the network declined to defend him. Is Fox blinking?


Limbaugh Conservatism Versus O’Reilly Conservatism

There are various ways to describe the civil war rising inside the Republican Party: insiders versus outsiders, pragmatists versus true-believers, establishment versus Tea Party. Here’s another: Bill O’Reilly conservatives versus Rush Limbaugh conservatives. … O’Reilly and Limbaugh are both conservative; they both idealize an older, pre-lapsarian America that they believe leftists want to destroy in the name of progress. The difference is that Limbaugh’s conservative vision is more static and more personal. For O’Reilly, traditional morality is not an abstract, coherent set of beliefs; it’s the folk wisdom of ordinary people at any given moment, and it can change.

— Peter Beinhart, in the Daily Beast.

O’Reilly Says Watching ‘Glee’ Will Turn Kids Gay, Just Like Watching James Dean Movies Made Him Want to Smoke

After the Fox network show “Glee” featured a trans character last week, Fox News’ resident social scientists Bill O’Reilly and Gretchen Carlson did a segment on O’Reilly’s show in which they warned Fox News’ audience of predominantly elderly viewers that teenagers who watch “Glee” without parental supervision, often while doing drugs, are likely to choose to be gay:

Partial transcript:
