The Best Answer Yet to Trump’s “S.O.B Athletes” Slur

Dale Hansen is a Dallas sportscaster, which makes him an unlikely champion of protest rights, but he does have a history of being on the right side. His recent commentary is an exquisite combination of disdain (noting that his foot hurt too while he served in the military, a reference to Donald Trump’s Vietnam deferments for a bone spur) and solemnity.

It’s an ill wind that blows no good, and Hansen’s response to Trump, along with many others, might show that if nothing else, Trump is affording us an opportunity to display our better selves as we oppose him.

Not a Single Member of Trump’s Evangelical Council Has Resigned


(Updates at end of post)

So many members of Trump’s manufacturing advisory council resigned over his support of armed extremists in Charlottesville, Va. that he had to disband the group to avoid further embarrassment. One by one, until Trump cried uncle at eight, leaders of industry released statements of resignation, adding their disagreement with the president’s views on race, anti-semitism, protest, and the circumstances of the loss of life at the white supremacy rally.

But not Trump’s evangelical council. Not a single member has resigned, from former Rep. Michele Bachmann to the Rev. Jerry Falwell to James Dobson.


Jimmy Fallon Says We Can’t Go Back

Jimmy Fallon has been criticized for failing to call out Trump and for having him as a guest during the campaign, helping him prove that Trump hair is actually hair. But now Fallon has taken a stand, and made a statement that turned “was just disgusting” into a trending topic on Twitter.

Devastating Report Confirms Earth is Losing the Battle Against Global Warming

We have record high sea surface temperatures. Illustration from NOAA
We have record high sea surface temperatures. Illustration from NOAA

2016 was the hottest year in 137 years of record-keeping, and the third in a row to be so noted. That and other omens are confirmed in a new report available from the American Meteorological Society called, “State of the Climate 2016.”

The report, peer-reviewed by international scientists, describes the following “highlights.”

  • Greenhouse gases highest on record
  • Global surface temperature highest on record
  • Sea surface temperatures highest on record
  • Global sea level highest on record
  • Extremes in the water cycle and precipitation
  • Arctic continued to warm, sea ice extent remained low
  • Antarctic has record low sea ice extent
  • Global ice and snow cover decline
  • Tropical cyclones well above average overall


All the Economic News is Not Good

Trump continues to claim credit for the economic recovery that was well under way, and handed to him by Pres. Obama, when he took office. His supporters acted as if the Dow hitting 20,000 was Trump’s work alone, possibly because their guy told them so. As the unemployment rate continues the decline it was already experiencing under Obama, Trump will no doubt bask in the glory.

But there’s another economic number that Trump can rightfully own. The decline in the strength of the U.S. dollar is all on him.

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