Tag: enthusiasm gap
Florida GOP Has No Appetite for Dinner
“Planners were having difficulty selling table sponsorships to the Statesman’s Dinner, and money that Gov. Ron DeSantis pledged to raise for the event has yet to arrive. Event planners also couldn’t land a keynote speaker for the dinner, which was scheduled for Nov. 9 in Orlando.”
Democrats Have an 18-Point Lead in Enthusiasm
18 points
Stanley Greenberg: “The press dutifully reports that President Trump has the approval of 85% of Republicans, and this poll shows he has 87%. But that is not the same as enthusiasm, and on that Democrats have a big gap: a stunning 85% strongly disapprove; while 67% of Republicans strongly approve. That is an 18 point enthusiasm gap. (And we know from 2018, it was the less enthusiastic Republicans who did not vote or shifted to the Democrats.) This gap is twice the enthusiasm gap on the president that gave the Democrats such a victory in 2018.”
More than Half of Ever-Trumpers Don’t Think Dems Can Win House
A new Public Opinion Strategies (R) poll finds most voters believe Democrats will win back the House—just not Republican voters. “Fully half of self-identified Republicans don’t believe Democrats are likely to win back the House. And within that group, 57% of people who describe themselves as strong Trump supporters don’t believe Democrats have a chance (37% believe they do).”
Enthusiasm Gap Between GOP and Dems Is Growing
7 points
Amy Walter: “The latest example of this enthusiasm gap is the drop in the percentage of Americans who identify as Republican. Polling taken in May by Gallup finds 45% of Americans identify themselves as Democrats and 38% identify as Republican. The seven-point gap is the largest recorded by Gallup since April of 2015. With Trump’s overall job rating stalled in the high 30’s to low 40’s and the GOP- controlled Congress yet to rally around (or pass) a significant legislative agenda, it’s not surprising to see fewer Americans identify themselves as a Republican.”
Dems Have Big Enthusiasm Lead Going Into 2018
63% to 52%
A new Public Policy Polling survey finds “63% of Democrats say they’re ‘very excited’ about voting in the 2018 election, compared to only 52% of Republicans who express that sentiment. When you look at the 2018 House picture just among the voters most excited about turning out next year, the lead for Democrats grows to 19 points at 57-38. Republican leaning voters are comparatively disengaged, with the GOP holding advantages only among voters who are ‘somewhat excited’ (48-40) and ‘not that excited’ (46-31).”
Second Term Doldrums
Barack Obama’s second term is getting grim,
His approval’s down and the midterms are looking dim.
The gap in enthusiasm
Is looking more like a chasm,
When Obama can’t even get a beach in Hawaii named after him.
Polls Show Effect of Passing Reform: Obama Up 5 Point, Dems Close Enthusiasm Gap with GOP
A new CNN poll finds Pres. Obama’s approval up 5 points, from 46 percent to 51 percent. The surge comes from a rise of 12 points among Democrats, to 86 percent, and six points, to 47 percent, among independents. Approval among Republicans remained unchanged at around 12 percent.
At the same time, a Washington Post/ABC News poll
shows the president with a 53-43 percent approval rating. The poll also appears to indicate that passage of the health-care reform bill has closed the enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans, with 74 percent now saying their enthusiastic about voting for a Democrat in November, compared with 76 percent who are enthusiastic about voting for the GOP.