Tag: Obama Presidency
#ThanksObama — We Will Always Be Grateful for Your Service
We’re going to be feeling the feels on Inauguration Day — fear, sadness, disgust. We hope 44 is right, and our country is strong enough to withstand the next four years intact as a democracy. In the meantime, let’s make #ThanksObama a trending topic on the Twitter. If you tweet, go forward and let @BarackObama know you were glad he and his family made it through the past two terms and add what you’d like to thank him for the most.
Photo via Whitehouse.gov.
A Moment That Will Never Be Again
How about every moment?
POTUS Has a Potty Mouth
I curse more than I should, and I find myself cursing more in this office than I had in my previous life. And fortunately both my chief of staff and my national-security adviser have even bigger potty mouths than me, so it’s O.K.
— President Obama, in a Vanity Fair interview with historian Doris Kearns Goodwin.
Obama Hits Highest Approval Rating of Second Term
“Of registered voters say they approve of the job Obama is doing as president, compared to 46 percent who disapprove. The last time more than half of the electorate gave Obama a thumbs up in the poll was in January 2013, when Obama took the oath of office after his successful re-election campaign against Republican Mitt Romney;” President Obama has hit his highest approval rating since his second inauguration, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows.
No More Plastic Microbeads. Thanks, Obama!
Just when you think Obama can’t do anything cooler, he does it.
Here’s some news to end 2015 on a high note. Pres. Obama has signed a ban on plastic microbeads. Who cares, you ask? You should. This is huge.
A microbead is any solid plastic particle that is less than 5 millimeters and is used for the purpose of exfoliating or cleansing, according to the bill.
These tiny plastic beads have become ubiquitous in hundreds of products ranging from body scrubs to toothpastes. They provide an exfoliating sensation for users and are designed to wash down drains.
Toothpaste? Who knew? That means most of us have been ingesting plastic microbeads for years. I bet if you took a random poll of any group of people and asked if they prefer to brush their teeth with plastic microbeads or something they recognize on the label like say, baking soda, they’d choose the baking soda.
It’s not just us swallowing all this tiny plastic. Would you like the catch of the day fried, blackened or grilled, and with or without plastic microbeads?
In September, a study published in Environmental Science & Technology reported that more than 8 trillion microbeads were entering the country’s aquatic habitats daily. The volume was enough to coat the surface of 300 tennis courts every day…
Not only are they hard to clean up because they are about the size of a pinhead…Some marine life mistake small plastic as food particles. Scientists are researching whether microplastics affect the health of marine life once ingested and if chemicals transfer to humans who eat those species later, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Yes, he turned around the economy, but banning plastic microbeads is one big reason we’re going to miss Pres. Obama, even if the next president is a Democrat.