Tag: Pres. Obama
Sorry, Rich People – Obama Was Better for the S&P Than Trump
From Fortune:
When it comes to talking himself up, Trump in particular has compared himself to Barack Obama. So, how do the two presidents measure up in terms of growth in major indexes, measured between their inauguration and May 31 of their third year in office?
The short answer is that Trump has quite a way to go. Under Obama, the S&P 500 grew by 56.4%. The Dow Jones Industrials Average was up 50.6% and the Nasdaq, 92.9%.
The numbers under Trump were 21.4% for the S&P 500, 25.2% for the Dow, and 34.2% for Nasdaq.
In Which Pres. Obama Wishes You a Merry Christmas – Over and Over and Over
Trump is peddling the fiction that the greeting “Merry Christmas” was banned during the Obama years. This tape proves that Donald is lying yet again.
Protestors Deliver a Message to U.S. Rep Joe “You Lie” Wilson
You remember Joe Wilson. He’s the congressman from South Carolina’s 2nd District (Columbia) who made himself famous for his unprecedented rudeness when you screamed, “You lie” at Pres. Obama during a 2009 address to Congress.
This time it was Wilson being called a liar, during a town hall meeting with constituents in Graniteville, SC.
Wilson, who voted against reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act in 2013, was telling the crowd about how he tried to ensure that, “all efforts to make sure that violence against women is fully enforced” when those in attendance begged to differ.
If you’ve forgotten Wilson’s outburst at Obama, here’s a reminder.
#ThanksObama — We Will Always Be Grateful for Your Service
We’re going to be feeling the feels on Inauguration Day — fear, sadness, disgust. We hope 44 is right, and our country is strong enough to withstand the next four years intact as a democracy. In the meantime, let’s make #ThanksObama a trending topic on the Twitter. If you tweet, go forward and let @BarackObama know you were glad he and his family made it through the past two terms and add what you’d like to thank him for the most.
Photo via Whitehouse.gov.
A Moment That Will Never Be Again
How about every moment?
Obama Puns His Way to Final Turkey Pardon
A nice final turkey pardon speech from the guy we’re all going to miss.
Trump on Withdrawal from Iraq in 2007: ‘Declare Victory and Leave’
Donald Trump has used up the last couple of news cycles repeating the ridiculous lie that Pres. Obama is the “founder of ISIS.” He also said the bloodthirsty terror group “honors” the president.
The flimsy basis of Trump’s false narrative is that U.S. troops withdrew from Iraq early in the president’s first term, and that ISIS arose to fill the power vacuum created by the U.S. withdrawal.
Never mind that ISIS began as an affiliate of Al Qaeda in Iraq, an insurgency that established itself in 2003 after the Bush administration fired more than 300,000 Iraqi soldiers and sent them home jobless, with few prospects and fully armed.
Never mind that the date of the U.S. troop withdrawal was specified in the Status of Forces agreement negotiated by the Bush administration and the democratically elected government of Iraq.
And never mind that Donald Trump himself was strongly in favor of the withdrawal at the time. When CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Trump in March 2007 what he thought the U.S. should do, Trump replied “Declare victory and leave.”