Tag: Obama legacy
Nearly Half of Americans Consider Obama One of Our Best Presidents
Pew Research: “When asked which president has done the best job in their lifetimes, more Americans name Barack Obama than any other president. More than four-in-ten (44%) say Obama is the best or second best president of their lifetimes, compared with about a third who mention Bill Clinton (33%) or Ronald Reagan (32%).”
Two-Thirds Approve of Obama’s Presidency
A new Gallup survey finds 63% of Americans in hindsight say they approve of the way Barack Obama handled his job. “Gallup’s first measure of Obama’s retrospective job approval rating places him behind only John Kennedy and Ronald Reagan among the 10 most recent presidents. Richard Nixon is rated worst today for how he handled his job, with 28% approving.”
There’s Unity in Hate
The Trumpcare debacle was a meltdown melodrama,
With the Freedom Caucus dealing Trump an ego-trauma.
Can those Republicans
Ever unify again?
Not without something to hate, like, say, an Obama.