Even Their Fans are Tired of the New England Patriots Playing in the Super Bowl


The average price of a 2015 Super Bowl ticket, which is 20 percent cheaper than last year. The decrease is blamed on the New England Patriots, whose fans have watched their team in the big game six out of the past 14 years, and who might not want to shell out yet again for what no longer seems like a rare opportunity.

Paul Ryan Can’t Differentiate Fact from Fiction

I watched the first couple of episodes until he cheated on his wife with that reporter. It turned my stomach so much that I just couldn’t watch it anymore. His behavior was so reprehensible, and it hit too close to home because he was a House member, that it just bothered me too much. And what I thought is, it makes us all look like we’re like that.

— Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), to Parade, on why he doesn’t watch “House of Cards” anymore.

On FOX, The Truth is Faster


Number of minutes FOX News used to point out that the recent CBS 60 Minutes piece, which was later found to have falsely portrayed events in Benghazi, backed up the Republican portrayal of the incident. That was three times the length of the original 60 Minutes report. Amount of time FOX spent on the subsequent correction: 26 seconds.

Eating Their Own: Coulter Hates Jeb

I think, on closer examination, Jeb Bush would be the worst of all candidates to run. For one thing, we don’t need another Bush. That would be embarrassing to the Republican Party. He’s more pro amnesty for illegals than his brother was, more than Rick Perry was.

— Republican color commentator Ann Coulter, announcing she hates Jeb Bush and apparently wasn’t too fond of his big brother either. Could have fooled us.