Tag: Campaign 2012
We’re NOT Going to Say Trump Is a Vulgar, Mobbed-up, Philandering Liar
Seriously. We’re not going to say Trump is a vulgar, mobbed-up, philandering liar.
See the video…
Herman Cain Jabs Jeb Bush
At least I was once winning. Jeb Bush has been doing nothing but losing throughout this entire campaign.
— Former 2012 GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain, responding on his website to being cited by Jeb Bush as an example of an outsider presidential candidate who lost the race.
Gingrich Still Owes Money from 2012 Prez Run
$4.6 million
Amount Newt Gingrich’s 2012 presidential campaign still owes, according to the latest FEC filing.
Walker Has Double-Digit Lead in Iowa
Gov. Scott Walker’s lead in Iowa over the rest of the Republican presidential field, followed by Marco Rubio at 13%, Jeb Bush at 12%, Mike Huckabee at 10%, Rand Paul at 10%, Ted Cruz at 8%, Ben Carson at 7% and Chris Christie at 5%, a new Public Policy Polling survey in Iowa finds.
Jeb Bush Articulates His Campaign Approach
You can win a primary in a deeply disaffected country by scraping the bark off of anyone who gets in your way, but that’s not the way to get to the main event and get a chance of winning there.
— Jeb Bush, quoted by the Washington Post.
It’s Amazon’s World and We Just Live in It
I wanted to buy a book a few months ago for a relative who was hospitalized in a city about 40 miles north and who wasn’t a TV watcher. I figured I’d stop off at the mall or a shopping center as I drove up and pick up some books and magazines.
Except there were no bookstores. While I had been floating along, ordering books from Amazon because they were cheap or putting them on my Amazon wish list and waiting for the prices to come down, book shops all around me were going out of business. Instead of finding some cool books and artsy, interesting magazines, I had to stop at a grocery store to buy a lame edition of O Magazine by Oprah. I believe it went unread.
If you watch the Colbert Report, you know that the responsible thing to do right now is to boycott Amazon. The massive “Don’t Be Evil” online seller is engaged in a very evil battle with traditional publishers to control pricing and set off a dumbing down process that will likely promote self-publishing as an Amazon work-around.
Romney Still Living a Rich Fantasy Life
I don’t know. I wish I could go back and turn back the clock and take another try.
— Mitt Romney, in an interview on Fox News, when asked if he felt he would have won the 2012 presidential election if President Obama had not lied about Americans being able to keep their health insurance.
One Trader Lost Big Betting On Romney Near End of 2012 Campaign
$4 million to $7 million
Amount that a single trader lost in the final weeks of the 2012 election placing 1.2 million Intrade bets on Mitt Romney, according to a new academic paper examining presidential betting — perhaps to “make the Republican nominee’s chance of victory appear brighter,” the Wall Street Journal reports.
FBI Enters Investigation into Corruption Probe of Tea Party Leader Michele Bachmann
Late last week, the Minneapolis Post and other outlets reported that the FBI has now joined the investigation into alleged corrupt activities by Tea Party Caucus Chairperson Michele Bachmann during her failed presidential campaign last year:
The FBI joins the Office of Congressional Ethics, the Federal Elections Commission and an Iowa state Senate ethics committee in probing whether Bachmann’s presidential campaign paid an Iowa state senator from her MichelePAC, a fund that should not have been used for campaign expenses, and whether the state senator stole the email list of an Iowa home-school group from another Bachmann staffer, Barbara Hekki, prior to the Iowa caucuses in January, 2012.
Andy Parrish, former Bachmann chief of staff and one of the directors of Bachmann’s Iowa GOP presidential campaign, will be interviewed by the FBI, according to his attorney, John Gilmore.
“I can confirm that Andy Parrish has been contacted by the FBI for a scheduled interview next week,” Gilmore said. “He will cooperate fully.”