Tag: George Bush
Bush’s CIA Briefer: Cheney and Bush Lied about Iraq Nukes

Why did George Bush and Dick Cheney invade Iraq? Their foundational rationale for the invasion was to prevent Saddam Hussein from using nuclear weapons they claimed he had. Based on what we know now, of course, those claims were either lies or they were based on faulty intelligence. Republicans are desperate to assert it was the latter — that Bush and Cheney were merely incompetent and relied on bad data — because if the former were true, if Bush and Cheney knowing lied about their rationale for taking the country to war, they were guilty of a massive war crime and, by all rights, should be sitting the Hague today.
Earlier this week, Mike Morell, the CIA officer who served as George Bush’s chief intelligence briefer, confirmed that the claims by Bush, Cheney and others that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons were lies.
Video and transcript follow…
Jeb Bush a Solid Moderate Republican
Jeb Bush’s ideological score based on a combination of three statistical indices created by Nate Silver. Bush’s score is “similar to Romney and McCain, each of whom scored a 39. He’s much more conservative than Huntsman, who rates at a 17. Still, Bush is more like his father, George H.W. Bush, who rates as a 33, than his brother George W. Bush, who scores a 46. And the Republican Party has moved to the right since both Poppy and Dubya were elected.”
George Says He’d Vote for Jeb — But Not for Political Reasons
I would definitely vote for him, I think it’s safe to say, otherwise I may not be invited back home for Thanksgiving.
— George P. Bush (R), quoted by the Wall Street Journal, on whether he would support a White House bid for his father Jeb. He had previously said he was “staying out of the race.”
George Says Jeb Wants to Be Prez
I think he wants to be president.
— George W. Bush, quoted by Politico, on his brother Jeb’s intentions in 2016.
Flashback: Republican President ‘Swaps Spit’ with Muslim Despot
Right-wing radio talker Mark Levin said he was surprised that Pres. Obama and Cuban leader Raul Castro didn’t “swap spit” when they shook hands at Nelson Mandela’s funeral this week. He must have been thinking about this incident from 2005 when George Bush laid a big sloppy wet one on Prince (now King) Abdullah, the autocratic ruler of Saudi Arabia, a Muslim kingdom where laws are in part based on the dreaded Shariah Law. After their smooching, Bush took the king for a romantic, hand-in-hand walk through the blue bonnets at Bush’s “ranch” in Texas.