Tag: Dick Cheney
Dick Cheney Says He’ll Vote for Harris
“In our nation’s 248-year history, there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our republic than Donald Trump. He tried to steal the last election using lies and violence to keep himself in power after the voters had rejected him. He can never be trusted with power again.”
— Former Vice President Dick Cheney, in a statement explaining that he’ll vote for Kamala Harris.
Bannon Is a Fan of Darth Vader, Satan
Darkness is good. Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That’s power. It only helps us when they get it wrong. When they’re blind to who we are and what we’re doing.”
— Trump strategist Stephen Bannon, in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
Even Cheney Thinks Trump Has Gone Too Far
I think this whole notion that somehow we can just say no more Muslims, just ban a whole religion goes against everything we stand for and believe in.
— Dick Cheney, quoted by the Washington Examiner, on Donald Trump’s call for banning Muslims from entering the United States.Jeb Returns to His Neocon Roots: Vows to Finish Mideast Wars His Brother Started
Five days after calling his brother George W. Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq a “mistake” and saying he “wouldn’t have gone in,” Jeb Bush announced to a war-weary nation that he’s running for president not just to become the third Bush in the White House, but also to be the third Bush president to invade the Middle East.
In a speech at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, Calif., yesterday Bush announced essentially that, if elected, he would revive the Bush Doctrine, the plan concocted by George W. Bush, Bush’s vice president, Dick Cheney, and other neoconservatives that called for using military force to subjugate the Middle East under the guise of democratizing it but with the real intention of control its “strategic interests,” which is to say its oil reserves.
Bush’s CIA Briefer: Cheney and Bush Lied about Iraq Nukes
Why did George Bush and Dick Cheney invade Iraq? Their foundational rationale for the invasion was to prevent Saddam Hussein from using nuclear weapons they claimed he had. Based on what we know now, of course, those claims were either lies or they were based on faulty intelligence. Republicans are desperate to assert it was the latter — that Bush and Cheney were merely incompetent and relied on bad data — because if the former were true, if Bush and Cheney knowing lied about their rationale for taking the country to war, they were guilty of a massive war crime and, by all rights, should be sitting the Hague today.
Earlier this week, Mike Morell, the CIA officer who served as George Bush’s chief intelligence briefer, confirmed that the claims by Bush, Cheney and others that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons were lies.
Video and transcript follow…
It’s a Rhetorical Question
If they get to nominate Hillary Clinton, why don’t we get to nominate Dick Cheney?
— Bill Kristol, quoted by Crooks and Liars.
Cheney Accuses Obama of Trying to Take Down America
I vacillate between the various theories I’ve heard, but you know, if you had somebody as president who wanted to take America down, who wanted to fundamentally weaken our position in the world and reduce our capacity to influence events, turn our back on our allies and encourage our adversaries, it would look exactly like what Barack Obama’s doing.
— Former Vice President Dick Cheney, accusing President Obama of trying to “take America down,” Politico reports. He added: “I think his actions are constituted in my mind those of the worst president we’ve ever had.”
Memo to Dick Cheney: George Washington Ordered Execution As Penalty for Torturing Prisoners
During a recent interview, former Vice Pres. Dick Cheney proudly assumed responsibility for the U.S. government’s program of torturing prisoners in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks. “I’d do it again in a minute,” Cheney asserted.
Cheney is undoubtedly emboldened by the fact that there is no chance that he, the president he served or their minions will ever face justice for ordering the torture of prisoners, actions that were, by even the lowest standards of decency, war crimes.
Cheney and the others will escape justice, largely because the current president chooses to allow it, despite the fact that torture is illegal in this country and worldwide, under provisions of an anti-torture treaty signed by Pres. Ronald Reagan in 1984. There is also precedent for trying officials accused of torture. As was noted earlier, in 1946, the United States and its allies executed Japanese officials who ordered waterboarding of prisoners during World War II.
But the roots of America’s abhorrence to torture go back even farther, all the way to the founding. In fact, during the Revolutionary War, George Washington ordered that soldiers under his command who were found to have tortured prisoners could face execution.