Brookings: Young Voters Poised to Energize the Democratic Party for Years to Come

The Democratic Advantage Among Young Voters Is True Among Key Racial and Ethnic Groups
The Democratic Advantage Among Young Voters Is True Among Key Racial and Ethnic Groups

Bookings: “Political scientists and forward-looking politicians have been debating the ultimate impact of the two youngest American generations — Plurals (Gen Z) and Millennials — on the nation’s partisan future for some time. With these two generations scheduled to become a majority of the American electorate later this decade, election results and a spate of recent data from Pew research are providing an increasingly persuasive answer. Younger voters should be a source of electoral strength for Democrats for some years to come.”

Dems’ Long-Term Structural Issue with Rural Voters

“I think there’s a long-term structural issue. And by the way, I’ve had this conversation with Chuck Schumer several times — that we have to do a better job developing a message so that rural Americans can say, ‘Yeah, those guys, they think like I do.’ Because that’s what Trump has right now.”

— Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT), quoted by the New York Times, on Democrats and rural voters.

Gallup: US Party Preference Has Shifted Dramatically to Democrats Since January

Gallup: “Since January, Americans’ party preferences have shifted dramatically in the Democratic Party’s direction. What had been a two-percentage-point Republican advantage in U.S. party identification and leaning has become an 11-point Democratic advantage, with more of that movement reflecting a loss in Republican identification and leaning (down eight points) than a gain in Democratic identification and leaning (up five points).”