Anderson Cooper Confronts GOP Operative Kellyanne Conway on CNN with Facts That Disprove Her False Claim about Rise in Sex-Selection Abortions

We’re so used to Republican operatives going on cable news shows and lying with impunity that it has become newsworthy when a news host exposes one of them in a lie in real time during a broadcast.

This happened recently on CNN when Soledad O’Brien challenged disgraced former Bush I chief of staff John Sununu, a Mitt Romney surrogate, during an interview after he trotted out the Romney campaign’s lie that Pres. Obama had “gutted Medicare.”

Similarly, Anderson Cooper challenged Republican operative/pollster Kellyanne Conway when she attempted to distort a conversation about Missouri tea party candidate Todd Akin’s claim that women’s ovaries naturally repel the sperm of rapists by interjecting a false claim (at about 03:30 in the video above) that there has been a rise in sex-selection abortions in the United States:


Zombie Birthers: The Stoopid ‘Conspiracy’ That Won’t Die – Watch Anderson Cooper Battle Stubborn Ignorance with Truth and Facts

One observation about the birther conspiracy that seldom gets made is that Pres. Obama’s handling of this entirely fictional, made-up controversy is proof positive that he can play hardball when he wants to.

Even if Jeebus himself descended from heaven and unfurled Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate from the top of Mt. Sinai, the birthers would not believe it. What they really want is a president who is a white guy.

It is more than likely — almost a dead cinch — that Obama has in his possession a copy of the actual long-form birth certificate from Hawaii that birthers claim they need to see in order to put their purported concerns to rest.

The president’s mother had to have the long form document to show Customs officials when the family moved to Indonesia when Obama was five years old and and to show U.S. Customs when he returned a few years later to Hawaii to live with his grandparents. He also presumably had to show his birth certificate in order to get a driver’s license when he was 16 and likely had to produce it again when he received his passport.

Assuming those suppositions are correct, it’s good to see that he’s sticking it to these idiots, because the truth is, even if Jeebus himself descended from heaven and unfurled Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate from the top of Mt. Sinai, the birthers would not believe it. What they really want is a president who is a white guy. Half-white just doesn’t cut it.

That fact comes through loud and clear in Anderson Cooper’s interview, in the video above, with Texas birther and state Rep. Leo Berman, a Republican — who, it must be pointed out, is a ex-pat New Yorker.

Last month, Berman introduced legislation in the Texas House that would “require any candidate for president or vice president of the United States to show his or her birth certificate to the Texas secretary of state,” because, as Berman put it, “we have a president whom the American people don’t know whether he was born in Kenya or some other place”:
