Rudy Is Down to His Last Five Friends

“He’s trying to sell a book. Even if we would have had that conversation, it would have been privileged between a mayor and a governor … He’s an honorable guy. I can’t believe he would do that. I just keep getting disappointed. I got about five friends left.”

— “Rudy Giuliani is having phone trouble again — and this time, it’s sad,” the New York Daily News reports. “The former New York mayor forgot to hang up on a Daily News reporter Wednesday and, thinking he was off the line, started trash-talking ex-Gov. George Pataki while complaining he only has ‘five friends left.’”

The Government Can Quarantine You and Probably ‘Quarantine’ You

“Regulations set forth by the CDC give health officials broad authority to quarantine or isolate anyone ‘reasonably believed’ to have been exposed to a range of highly infectious diseases. The list includes cholera, infectious tuberculosis and flus that can cause a pandemic. … The government’s powers to sequester people in the name of public health are rooted in the Constitution’s Commerce Clause, which allows Congress to regulate foreign and interstate commerce.”

Washington Post