With Millions in Tax Revenue on the Line, Marijuana Legalization Is on Ballots in Three States and DC


As a spate of new studies find positive results from the legalization of pot in Colorado and Washington state, including a dip in traffic fatalities in Colorado — and with Washington state accruing $3 million in taxes since pot was legalized in July, Colorado tallying $18 million in pot-tax revenue since January, including $7 million in July alone, and a projection that $3.1 billion in taxes would be collected if all 50 states legalized weed — voters in Alaska, Oregon and Washington, D.C. will decide whether to legalize marijuana on Nov. 4, and Floridians will decide whether to allow the sale of medical marijuana.

Vox.com has a round-up of the initiatives:


Warren: ‘Washington Actually Works Really Well’

I think Washington actually works really well for those who have lots of money, lots of lobbyists, lots of lawyers,” she said in a First Draft interview. “It just doesn’t work very well for regular families.

— Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), in a First Draft interview, says she thinks the deck is stacked against ordinary Americans in the way Washington does business.