There Is Broad Support for Warren’s Wealth Tax


New York Times: “Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s plan to tax the assets of America’s wealthiest individuals continues to draw broad support from voters, across party, gender and educational lines. Only one slice of the electorate opposes it staunchly: Republican men with college degrees. … Not surprisingly, that is also the profile of many who’d be hit by Ms. Warren’s so-called wealth tax, which has emerged as the breakout economic proposal in the Democratic presidential primary race.”

No Wonder Trump Hates Fox News Polls


A new Fox News poll shows Joe Biden leading the Democratic presidential race with 32%, followed by Elizabeth Warren at 22%, Bernie Sanders at 17%, Pete Buttigieg at 4% and Beto O’Rourke at 3%. When you combine first and second choices, Biden and Warren are tied at 45% each, with Sanders at 34%. In general election matchups, Biden leads Trump by 50% to 40%, Warren tops him 50% to 40% and Sanders is ahead 49% to 40%.

Warren Maintains National Lead


A new Quinnipiac poll finds Elizabeth Warren leading the Democratic presidential field with 29%, followed by Joe Biden at 26%, Bernie Sanders at 16%, Pete Buttigieg at 4%, Kamala Harris at 3% and Andrew Yang at 3%. No other candidate tops 2%. In general election match ups, Warren beats Trump, 49% to 41%, Biden leads 51% to 40% and Sanders is ahead 49% to 42%.

Poll: Three Top Democratic Candidates Beat Trump

50% to 41%

A new Democracy Corps (D) survey finds the leading Democratic presidential candidates all defeating President Trump in a general election match up. Joe Biden leads Trump by 50% to 41%, while Elizabeth Warren leads by 48% to 41% and Bernie Sanders leads by 48% to 43%. More important: “The percent who say they are ‘extremely interested’ in the election has reached 80%, the highest point in the history of our polling.”