A 20-Question Quiz for the Media

1680283We live in an era where the very foundations of journalism are increasingly under attack, where “fake news” is ascendent and the intellect and attention span of the public is on the decline.

In response, the editors of Pensito Review, in consultation with researchers at the Moscow Center for Media Studies, have crafted this 20-question quiz to help journalists clarify their mission and find their place in the cosmos during the current Trump administration.

1. Are you feeling depressed, demoralized, disgusted, disenfranchised or simply dissed by the state of the news media and its public perception today? (select one)

  • One of them
  • Two of them
  • Three of them
  • All of them
  • None of them


#ThanksObama — We Will Always Be Grateful for Your Service


We’re going to be feeling the feels on Inauguration Day — fear, sadness, disgust. We hope 44 is right, and our country is strong enough to withstand the next four years intact as a democracy. In the meantime, let’s make #ThanksObama a trending topic on the Twitter. If you tweet, go forward and let @BarackObama know you were glad he and his family made it through the past two terms and add what you’d like to thank him for the most.

Photo via Whitehouse.gov.

Hey GOP — Trump Is Not Your Ally

The populist fury of the Trumpentariat isn’t reserved for liberals alone; more and more, it will be focused on Republicans who fail to toe the line when He issues his commands and diktats. The rage monster machine of Fox News, talk radio and Trump-centric social media needs something to feed on, and if House Republicans think Trump and his media allies won’t sacrifice them for their own satisfaction and ratings, they’re not paying attention.

Rick Wilson

Twitter Peeps Educate Trump on Sacrifice


After Khizr Khan, accompanied by his wife, Ghazala, declared at the 2016 Democratic National Convention that Donald Trump has, “sacrificed nothing and no one,” the world took note. That’s because the Khans lost their son, U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan, while he fought in Iraq in 2004.

Trump’s response was two-fold. First, in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, he criticized the Gold Star mother for not joining her husband in speaking and implied that Muslim women aren’t allowed to do so. Then he said he does indeed understand the concept of personal sacrifice.

Pressed by Stephanopoulos to name the sacrifices he’d made for his country, Trump said: “I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I’ve had tremendous success. I think I’ve done a lot.”

People on Twitter took up Trump’s case and supplied their own examples of how Donald has given selflessly to our country, using the hashtag #TrumpSacrifices. Here are some of our favorites.

  • @AngryBlackLady
    Wore a suit and tie, not a robe and hood to the RNC. #TrumpSacrifices
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