Adelson Shows His Media Savvy at GOP Las Vegas Confab

You can ask anything you want, but you’ll have to talk to the wall, because I’m not talking to you.

— Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, quoted by Politico, before reporter Ken Vogel was escorted by security out of the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual spring meeting Saturday at The Venetian, or what the Washington Post dubbed the ‘Adelson primary,’ for the Las Vegas Sands chairman.

Zaltzman: Phelps’ Death Was “Tragically Late”

There’ve been two main stories that have been absolutely bombarding our inbox this week. One, I’ll come to in due course. And the other is the tragically late death of the Westboro Baptist Church leader, Fred Phelps, the massively anti-gay, hate-fueled preacher who died at the undeserved age of 84.

— Andy Zaltzman, asking co-host of the Bugle Podcast John Oliver (most recently of the Daily Show) if he was preparing one of the show’s “fuckeulogies” for Phelps. Oliver responded that Phelps was unworthy of a fuckeulogy, heretofore reserved for the likes of Osama bin Laden and Moammar Gadhafi, calling him a “sniveling little prick” who doesn’t deserve the oxygen it would take to create one. Oliver continued that the sooner Phelps is forgotten, the better. Which kind of sounded like a fuckeulogy.

Conway wanted to Be ‘On the Right Side of History’ with Ruling on Gay Marriage Ban

I felt like that from a fiscal responsibility standpoint, I didn’t need to be wasting taxpayer resources in a lawsuit that we weren’t going to win or in an appeal that we weren’t going to win. For the sake of my daughter’s view on my public service in the future, I wanted to be on the right side of history.

— Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway (D), explaining to the Huffington Post why he refused to defend Kentucky’s gay marriage ban.