New Republican Ad Just as Bad as the 2008 Version

The folks who tried to bring you John McCain apparently have learned nada in four years. They dusted off the “celebrity president” jibe that helped lose in 2008 to help lose again in 2012. See if this rings a bell:

What really bothers Republicans: Pres. Obama, a black man, is president. And he’s acting all black cool, like he’s not even ashamed of being black.

Did you catch that? Gas prices were soaring when George W. Bush was president. I thought that was all Obama’s fault. But more on that later.

Now take a look at the updated ad, which replaces the booming sound effects, foreboding music, and the frightened female narrator with a catchier tune and the guy from the super monster truck event going, “Oh yeah.”

The ad is obviously targeted at “young people,” who are suffering not under Obama’s leadership but under Republican policies that concentrate wealth among the “job creators” at the top of the income bracket who can afford to shelter most of their earnings – in cases like Mitt Romney’s, offshore – or pay only the greatly reduced capital gains tax on it.

The reengineering of our tax code, along with policies that publicize the risks of capitalism while privatizing the rewards, have changed the American economy over years, but the change was accelerated when George W. Bush took office. That’s just a fact.

But facts, such as when gas prices surge, are not something Republicans embrace. Their warning in the McCain ad was wrong about Pres. Obama relying more heavily on foreign oil because of a reluctance to drill domestically. In fact, we now import less than 50 percent of our oil.

Since President Obama took office, the U.S. has made considerable progress in overcoming a problem that has bedeviled presidents since Richard Nixon — dependence on foreign oil.

When U.S. oil dependence peaked at 60 percent in 2005, then-President George W. Bush said the country had a serious problem and was “addicted to oil.”

Oil imports were down to 49 percent in 2010, and the Energy Information Agency predicted Tuesday that imports would drop to 36 percent by 2035.

And yet Republicans yammer on about how Obama stands in the way of domestic drilling.

What Republicans would rather do than entertain reality-based debates is focus on what really bothers them. Pres. Obama, a black man, is president. And he’s acting all black cool, like he’s not even ashamed of being black. Here, we made this video that proves it.

John McCain wasn’t cool. Neither is Mitt Romney. Instead of being jealous of Obama’s cool, maybe Republicans should focus on facts. But since the facts favor our guy, that might not be a path to victory either.


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