Tag: Trump transition trouble
Donald’s Government Is Missing Scientists
President Trump “has moved to fill just one of 46 key science and technology positions that help the government counter risks ranging from chemical and biological attacks to rising seas,” the Washington Post reports. “The vacancies in the 46 Senate-confirmed posts range from the president’s science adviser, to the administrators of NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, to the chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality.”
Trump Team Denied Russia Contacts 20 Times
USA Today: “President Trump, and his presidential campaign, have issued at least 20 denials of campaign officials’ communications with and connections with Russian officials.”
Failed Business Model
For 40 days now, we’ve been lost in the Trumpian wilderness,
Watching a transition run the gamut from heartless to witless.
From the chaos and confusion
We’ve drawn one conclusion:
You can’t run a government like a family-owned business.
They Skipped Ethics Class
Looking at Trump’s White House, there’s not much to compliment,
It seems like they go from crisis to emergency to predicament.
But when given the chance,
They said a firm No Thanks
To a course that would have taught them “leadership, ethics and management.”