In the South, the Immigration Reform Debate Comes Down to Racism

Part of it, I think — and I hate to say this, because these are my people — but I hate to say it, but it’s racial. If you go to town halls people say things like, ‘These people have different cultural customs than we do.’ And that’s code for race.

— A Southern Republican congressman, speaking to BuzzFeed, on immigration reform.

N.C. Lawmaker Says Obama Is Not a Traitor — to Kenya!

Someone had posted something with a picture of Barack Obama and across it said ‘traitor.’ And, you know, I don’t always agree with the guy, I certainly didn’t vote for him but I gotta defend him on this one. I just don’t think it’s right at all to call Barack Obama a traitor. There’s a lot of things he’s done wrong but he is not a traitor. Not as far as I can tell. I haven’t come across any evidence yet that he has done one thing to harm Kenya.

— North Carolina state Rep. Larry Pittman (R), telling a crowd of supporters that President Obama isn’t a traitor to his country — if that country is Kenya.

Southerners Still View Obama as ‘Exotic’

I’m not naming any names, but one senator got up from a Southern state and said, ‘Well, you’ve got to understand that to my people down here, Obama seems like’ — he thought for a second and he said — ‘like he’s exotic.’

— Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA), quoted by the Des Moines Register, describing how one senator suggested his constituents still couldn’t identify with President Obama.