About Us

logo-pr-twPensito Review has been publishing commentary on politics and the news since January 2005. Coverage focuses on progressive politics in Washington as well as nationwide, with a particular interest in Florida and California where the company has offices.

The editors, Jon Ponder in California and Trish Ponder and Buck Banks in Florida, are all professional writers with decades-long careers in journalism, advertising, marketing and public relations.

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What is FOX?

FOX News is indisputably the most popular cable news channel. And yet in 13 years, Fox has never broken a story. That’s okay, because it is not in the news business. It is in the news-shaping business. Its programming is an admixture of right-wing propaganda and fear-porn for feeble-minded paranoiacs, served up by spokesmodels who have no clue what they are reading.

– Pensito Review quoted from 2009 in answer to the question “What is FOX?” in “Understanding The History And Purpose Of Fox News,” at Addicting Info.