McCain Takes Firm Stand on Waterboarding

I don’t give a damn what the president of the United States wants to do. We will not waterboard. We will not torture people… It doesn’t work.

— Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), issuing a fiery warning to President-elect Donald Trump on the subject of torture, Politico reports. Anyone who tries to resume torture, McCain said would find themselves in court “in a New York minute.”

Palin’s Trump Endorsement Is Her Ultimate Betrayal of John McCain


Political news this week has been dominated by Donald Trump’s latest spotlight-grabbing stunt — his endorsement by Sarah Palin, Sen. John McCain’s 2008 vice-presidential nominee, whose ineptitude and stubborn ignorance were major factors in the GOP’s loss to Barack Obama that year.

“He’s a war hero ’cause he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured, OK?”
– Donald Trump, smearing John McCain’s military service in July

In rescuing Palin from well-earned obscurity and thrusting her onto the national stage again, Trump got what he wanted, at least in the short term. Coverage of Palin’s word-salad-y endorsement speech led the nightly news broadcasts on ABC, CBS and NBC Monday night. Both legit cable news networks, MSNBC and CNN covered the event live, as did Fox.

But in her MSNBC show that night Rachel Maddow made a point that everyone else overlooked.


Trump’s Ghostwriter Not a Supporter

I’ll tell you what really bugs me about him, where it really ripped it with me and Trump was the stuff he said about McCain. McCain suffered severely, and I had a son who did two tours in Middle East during the last war and we had kids from here who went over there and some of them got hurt. They ain’t gonna be the same.

— Dave Shiflett, the ghostwriter of Donald Trump’s 2000 book, “The America We Deserve,” said he’s not voting for the billionaire real estate mogul, BuzzFeed reports.

McCain All But Calls Cruz a Liar

I was fascinated to hear that, since I haven’t heard a thing about it from him, nor has my staff heard from his staff.

— Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-AZ), denying reports that “Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is pushing him to hold hearings exploring whether soldiers should be able to carry concealed guns on military bases,” the Huffington Post reports.