Tag: Terrorism
Peters Calls Obama a ‘Pussy’
This guy is such a total pussy, it’s stunning.
— Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, in a Fox Business News interview, on President Obama’s Oval Office address on terrorism.
Obama Is Always Talking About Terrorism
Number of times President Obama has mentioned terrorism in remarks and written statements since taking office and he has done so at a rate of nearly twice a day in 2015 – more than any year of his presidency, according to a Smart Politics analysis.
Obama Approval Rating Falls Amid Terrorism Fears
Presidential Obama’s approval rating, with 50% disapproving, according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll. The fall has been driven almost entirely by concerns about terrorism and refugees.
Americans Trust Clinton More than Trump to Deal Effectively with Terrorism
50% to 42%
Margin by which more Americans say they trust Hillary Clinton to handle the threat of terrorism than Donald Trump, who leads the Republican field and responded to the Paris terrorist attacks by calling for heightened surveillance of mosques and redoubling his opposition to allowing Syrian refugees to settle in the U.S., a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds.
Cruz: Obama Is a Sponsor of Terrorism
If this deal is consummated, it will make the Obama administration the world’s leading financier of radical Islamic terrorism. Billions of dollars under control of this administration will flow into the hands of jihadists who will use that money to murder Americans, to murder Israelis, to murder Europeans.
— Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), saying that President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran is essentially financing terrorism. Cruz didn’t back down after the president called his comments “outrageous,” Politico reports.
Some Questions for the Gun Store Owner With the “Muslim-Free Zone”
It’s bad enough that a gun store owner declared his store a “Muslim-free zone” after the shooting and killing of four Marines and a Navy sailor by 24-year-old Muhammad Youssef Abdelazeez. That he chose to deliver this message in front of a rebel flag tacked up over an American flag, while wearing a sidearm, made this move just that much worse.
There are so many questions raised by Andy Hallinan’s video. For starters:
- Why didn’t Hallinan declare his gun shop a “white supremacist who says he wants to start a race war free zone” after 21-year-old Dylann Roof shot and killed nine people at a Charleston church?
Carson Wants to Seal Borders Against Terrorists, Not Undocumented Aliens
The reason I think we need to seal our borders completely, all of our borders—north, south, east, west—is not so much because I’m afraid of somebody in Honduras … I’m afraid of someone from Syria that wants to bomb us and wants to do bad things.
— Ben Carson (R), quoted by National Journal.
Worse Than Benghazi: After Reagan Ignored Warnings, 220 Marines Were Killed by a Terrorist in Beirut

In 1982, seven years into the Lebanese Civil War, Pres. Ronald Reagan ordered 2,400 Marines into Beirut as part of an international peacekeeping mission. As peacekeepers, the Marines operated under rules of engagement that prohibited them from firing their weapons unless they’d been fired upon first — and even then they could only respond with the same type of weapon that had been fired at them.
There were other restrictions. Violence in the city was so bad that they were confined to their base at the Beirut airport. Eventually, the entire American force, which also included Army and Navy personnel, moved into a large, modern office building that had been repurposed to house their command center as well as living quarters. (The building is referred to in many accounts as the “Marine barracks.”) And yet the gates to the facility were ordered to remain open at all times, and the sentries who manned the gates were to be unarmed.
In Washington, Reagan ignored warnings from his senior advisers that he’d put American troops in harm’s way.