HPV Vaccine Is Working


The amount by which the rate of HPV, a sexually transmitted virus that is the main cause of cervical cancer, has dropped among 14- to 19-year-old young women since the vaccine was introduced by Merck in 2006. The results are so good, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention wants to expand vaccination.

Bachmann’s Polling Implodes – Did She Tell One Lie Too Many?

A new USA Today/Gallup poll finds that support for the presidential campaign of Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) is imploding:

The survey, taken Thursday through Sunday, charts a GOP field that seems headed toward a showdown between Perry, with 31 percent backing, and Romney, at 24 percent.

The only other candidate in double digits is Texas Rep. Ron Paul, at 13 percent. Support for Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann has plummeted to 5 percent.

Veteran Republican strategist Ed Rollins, who resigned as Bachmann’s campaign manager earlier this month, says the results could signal “a drawn-out process” and extended primary fight between Perry and Romney, both of whom are likely to have ample money and other resources.

But for Bachmann, he says, “The only way she can get back in this race is to somehow win Iowa,” which holds the opening caucuses early next year.

It’s hard to know what has caused the collapse of Bachmann’s polling. It may well be that her base of hard-right, proudly ignorant Republican voters found that they prefer Texas Gov. Rick Perry over her because, well, he’s a man and she is not.

It’s also possible that she got caught telling one lie too many.
