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- GOP impeachment defense
“As televised impeachment hearings roll into Week 2, one surprise has been how many of the Trump team’s wounds have been self-inflicted, because of his allies’ curious habit of leaking on themselves. … The leaks and revelations have thrown President Trump into a constant state of defensiveness, and turned a growing number of Republicans into frustrated, sometimes bewildered, defenders. … From revelations about secret servers to off-the-books diplomacy said to resemble ‘drug deals,’ many of the juiciest details about the impeachment case came not from Democrats but from Team Trump.”
“Republicans started out saying he didn’t do it. Then he said he did it, but there is no quid pro quo. But then they said there might be quid pro quo, but it’s not an impeachable offense They are just trying to provide enough of smokescreen, so when the Senate doesn’t convict they can say he shouldn’t have been impeached in the first place.”
— Political strategist Robert Shrum, quoted by the Wall Street Journal.