Four Princeton Students Solved Facebook’s Fake-News Problem in a Weekend

galleryThe editors of Pensito Review take for granted that our sophisticated readers know the difference between real and fake news, fact and fiction, honest commentary and nativist propaganda. But maybe you know a less-sophisticated soul who has fallen prey to the fake news in their Facebook feed.

Tell him about fIB: Let’s Stop Living a Lie. It’s a Google Chrome extension that scrapes fake news from your Facebook feed that was created by four Princeton students engaged in a weekend hackathon. The extension works in two ways:

Content-consumption: Our chrome-extension goes through your facebook feed in real time as you browse it and verifies the authenticity of posts. These posts can be status updates, images or links. Our backend AI checks the facts within these posts and verifies them using image recognition, keyword extraction, and source verification and a twitter search to verify if a screenshot of a twitter update posted is authentic. The posts then are visually tagged on the top right corner in accordance with their trust score. If a post is found to be false, the AI tries to find the truth and shows it to you.


Would It Kill You to Like Us on Facebook?

We are THIS CLOSE to a milestone: 200 “Like-ers” on Facebook! How exciting would it be to leap from our current 199 “Like-ing” people to 200? Pretty, pretty, pretty, durn exciting!

So help us out. If you don’t already like us on Facebook, would it KILL you to hit that stupid blue thumbs-up icon? We didn’t think so.

And here’s the thing. We do share some different stuff there than we do here. More quickies, more funny stuff, more of the best of other great, like-minded sites, etc. And “etc.” is not a term we use lightly.

Oh, and here’s something else: we’re on a first-name basis with people on Facebook. That’s right, there you can just call us, “Pensito.”

We’ll talk to you about following us on Twitter another time. For now, please like us on Facebook. Thanks.

Update: You “Like” us, you really “Like” us! As of now we are all the way up to 202 “Likes!” Thanks guys! We “Like” you too!

Whoo-Hoo! We Just Got Our 50th “Like!”

LikesChampagne corks are popping at Pensito Review because we just got our 50th Facebook “Like” today! Our thumbs are UP.

O.K., 50 might not sound like much to those of you with 637 “Friends,” but when you understand our past ambivalence toward Facebook, you’ll understand why it’s a big deal (not to be confused with health care reform, which is a BFD).

You see, Jon, our reluctant web guy, hates Facebook. Trish is O.K. with it, and Buck, who is actually a social media pioneer, just phones it in via Twitter with TweetDeck or HoopieSweetie or CheatPost or whatever program that is he uses for social networking.

What our Facebook URL won’t be: We get enough penis jokes as it is

It also didn’t help that, much as Jon hated Facebook a couple of years ago, he did put us on there. This was back when groups, organizations, etc. had “Friends” instead of “Likes.” So now we are stuck with going to the discontinued former page. And Facebook won’t let us reassign that perfect URL to our new page. We’re trying to think up a good new unique URL. The one it definitely won’t be is Lord knows, we get enough penis jokes as it is.
