Tag: Chelsea Clinton
A Chelsea Speech is 75% Cheaper than a Hillary Speech
Amount the Washington Post reports Chelsea Clinton was paid for a speech at the University of Missouri after officials balked at her mother’s $275,000 fee. “More than 500 pages of e-mails, contracts and other internal documents obtained by The Washington Post from the university under Missouri public record laws detail the school’s long courtship of the Clintons. They also show the meticulous efforts by Chelsea Clinton’s image-makers to exert tight control over the visit, ranging from close editing of marketing materials and the introductory remarks of a high school student to limits on the amount of time she spent on campus.”
Clinton Foundation Has Raised $2 Billion
$2 billion
Amount the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation has raised since its creation in 2001 from “a vast global network that includes corporate titans, political donors, foreign governments and other wealthy interests,” according to a Washington Post review of public records and newly released contribution data. First Read: “If this looked like a conflict of interest when she was secretary of state, why doesn’t it look like a conflict of interest as she prepares for another presidential bid?”
Clinton Charity Accepted Millions from HSBC Clients
$81 million
Amount the charitable foundation run by Hillary Clinton and her family has received from wealthy international donors who were clients of HSBC’s controversial Swiss bank, the Guardian reports. “Leaked files from HSBC’s Swiss banking division reveal the identities of seven donors to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation with accounts in Geneva.”
Flashback 1992: Rush Limbaugh Calls Chelsea Clinton, Age 12, the ‘White House Dog’

Here is hope for the tens of people who are worried about the future of Liz Lauten, who was fired as communications director for tea party congressman Stephen Fincher of Tennessee yesterday because of a rant she posted on Facebook in which she called Pres. Obama’s daughters, Sasha, age 16, and Malia, age 13, classless sluts.
Based on Rush Limbaugh’s experience insulting daughters of Democratic presidents, Lauten, a former Republican National Committee employee and press secretary for former Rep. Joe Walsh, the infamous deadbeat dad from Illinois, is sitting pretty. Limbaugh has accumulated a net worth of $400 million, reportedly, even though (or perhaps because) he has a history of insulting the appearance of the daughters of Democratic presidents.