Gingrich Still Owes $4.6 Million from 2012 Campaign

$4.6 million

“The biggest chunk of the debt, nearly $1 million, is owed for Gingrich’s use of private jets to fly from event to event through charter travel company Moby Dick Airways. The campaign also owes more than $400,000 for Gingrich’s personal security to the Patriot Group, and $128,000 to the Winston Group… Several other well-known names are also among Gingrich’s creditors, including former Rep. J.C. Watts and Herman Cain for ‘strategic consulting’ and travel, as well as Kellyanne Conway’s The Polling Company, which conducted polls for the Gingrich campaign and is owed more than $20,000,” reports the Daily Beast.

Fiorina Paid Herself First, Campaign Bills Last


Amount left unpaid from Carly Fiorina’s failed 2010 U.S. Senate bid “— even as Fiorina reimbursed herself nearly $1.3 million she lent the campaign. She finally cleared most of the balance in January, a few months before announcing her run for president,” the Washington Post reports. Said Fiorina’s former campaign manager Martin Wilson: “Occasionally, I’d call and tell her she should pay them. She just wouldn’t.”

DNC Deep in Debt

$21.9 million

Amount of the Democratic National Committee’s total obligations at the end of February, up from $20.6 million in debt as of Nov. 26. In addition to taking on more debt, the committee has seen its cash on hand reduced by more than half since Nov. 26, from $9.7 million to just more than $4 million, according to the Washington Post.