Collins Raised Nationwide Funds on Kavanaugh Vote

$1.8 million

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) “had the best fundraising quarter of her life in 2018, boosted in part by her decision to support Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court,” the HuffPost reports. “Collins raised $1.8 million in the last quarter of the year, but just $19,000 of that money came in itemized donations ? contributions of $200 or more ? from residents of Maine.”

Kavanaugh Killed Never Trumpers

“Resistance is futile. Long on life-support, the Never Trump ‘resistance’ movement within the Republican Party was finished off by the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation fight. … The Kavanaugh hearing essentially radicalized Never Trumpers. Some—as part of the GOP base’s backlash against the left’s attacks—are coming home and supporting Trump. Others—perhaps because their hatred of Trump has only intensified—were pushed completely from the fold. This process has been going on for a long time, but one gets the sense that the fight over Kavanaugh was the end of the road.”

— Matt Lewis

Sham FBI ‘Investigation’ Skips Dozens with Information About Kavanaugh


“More than 40 people with potential information into the sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh have not been contacted by the FBI,” NBC News reports. “The bureau is expected to wrap up its expanded background investigation as early as Wednesday into two allegations against Kavanaugh — one from Christine Blasey Ford and the other from Deborah Ramirez.”

Sen. Flake Shamed by Assault Victim: ‘Look at Me When I’m Talking to You!’

Via Raw Story: “A group of furious women on Friday confronted Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) in an elevator on Capitol Hill and raked him over the coals for his decision to support Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. While he was standing in the elevator, at least two women walked up to him and began yelling about his decision to vote for Kavanaugh, who is facing multiple allegations of sexual misconduct.”

In response, CNN legal expert Jeffery Toobin said, “If there is a weaker, more pathetic political figure in the U.S. than Jeff Flake, I’m not aware of who it is,” he said. “I thought yesterday was a classic demonstration of his inability to stand for anything.”

Kennedy Comes Clean on Creeps

“This is no country for creepy young men, creepy old men or creepy middle aged men. But this also no country to deny people due process.”

— Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA), quoted by the Washington Post, saying that the third woman to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct has been invited to make a sworn statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Most Oppose Kavanaugh Confirmation If Ford Is Truthful


A new NPR/PBS/Marist poll finds that if Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh are true, 59% of Americans said they believe the Senate Judiciary Committee should not confirm his nomination to the Supreme Court. The poll also revealed that 29% of those surveyed would support Kavanaugh’s nomination regardless of the legitimacy of Ford’s allegations, including 54% of Republicans.