HUD Chief Carson Proposes Raises Rents on 4.5 Million Low-Income Households

4.5 million

UD Secretary Ben Carson “will propose to increase the amount low-income households are expected to pay for rent as well as require those receiving housing subsidies to work,” according to the administration’s legislative proposal obtained by the Washington Post. “The move to overhaul how low-income rental subsidies are calculated would affect more than 4.5 million families relying on federal housing assistance.”

Ben Carson Raised More than His Opponents and Blew It on Consultants

$58 million

Amount Ben Carson’s failed presidential campaign raised — more than any other GOP contender. “But Carson’s campaign burned through much more of that money on fundraising and consultants than on mass media advertising, on-the-ground employees and other things that could have swayed voters. … Ben Carson ran for president, and his consultants won,” the AP reports.

Carson Favors ‘Truth Serum’ Over Waterboarding

I believe there are a number of ways to extract information. An average person might understand it as ‘truth serum’ — there are ways where you decrease a person’s conscious defenses, and they might be much more willing to give up information.

— Ben Carson, telling CNN he would use “medical ways” to put terrorists in a “less-than-conscious state” if he became president.