Quote du Jour

The function of the press is very high. It is almost holy. To misstate or suppress the news is a breach of trust.

— Louis D. Brandeis (1856-1941), U.S. Supreme Court Justice


2 thoughts on “Quote du Jour”

  1. Our founding fathers saw the importance of separation of church and state but, alas, didn’t consider what happens when there’s no separation between the press and the government. What the heck did they get right? Oh, yeah, The Bill of Rights, but even that, except for the right to bear arms, is being shredded now by our president. Let’s face it, our founding fathers are way over-rated. We the people could do a much better job of it today. Let’s!

  2. The mainstream press breached the trust a long time ago. Now that most of the press is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bush Administration and maybe even of the entire government and is acting in the spirit of Franz Josef Goebbels, the breach is complete.

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