Right Now the Power Is Out in Los Angeles – One Day after City Received Al-Qaida Threat

“We are Muslims. We love peace, but peace on our terms, peace as laid down by Islam, not the so-called peace of occupiers and dictators.”

Uh-Oh: The Los Angeles suffered a power blackout at just before 1PM this afternoon. The Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP) says large swathes of its service area are currently without power – from Downtown to Hollywood and Century City and in the Valley from Sherman Oaks to North Hollywood.

This event comes a day after a videotape was released on which an al-Qaida operative threatened that Los Angeles and Melbourne, Australia, specifically, will be the sites of the next attacks:

“Yesterday, London and Madrid. Tomorrow, Los Angeles and Melbourne, Allah willing. And this time, don’t count on us demonstrating restraint or compassion,” the man on the videotape, speaking in English, warns. “We are Muslims. We love peace, but peace on our terms, peace as laid down by Islam, not the so-called peace of occupiers and dictators.”

Just now on KCBS, LADWP spokesperson Gale Harris said the company is aware of the source of the problem but she had no idea when it will be resolved.

Some parts of the Los Angeles area have not yet been affected, including our location in West Hollywood, where the power utility is Southern California Edison, not LADWP.

Katrina the Perfect Political Storm Too

Katrina might have been the perfect storm politically, shattering support for Bush’s key policies and changing, along with New Orleans’ waterfront, the political landscape as well. A.P.:

Population shifts caused by the exodus of hurricane victims from the Gulf Coast could have ripple effects for years to come in Louisiana political races and perhaps beyond…

The early thinking is the evacuees least likely to return to their homes in Louisiana may be the poorest – and thus, Democrats for the most part…

“The stars are aligned,” said one Democratic consultant. “But Democrats need a candidate with a message.”

[Political Consultant Elliott] Stonecipher sees the New Orleans area losing Democratic voters and a political network that was of great benefit to Sen. Mary Landrieu and other Democrats…

Landrieu was elected in a 2002 runoff by a 52-48 margin, a difference of just 42,000 votes. New Orleans was the base of her support…Kathleen Blanco, the Democratic governor, who also won by a 52-48 margin, faces re-election in 2007.

Ray Nagin, the Democratic mayor of New Orleans, is up for re-election in February. No one knows if the city could even hold an election by then…

On the other hand, Texas might make up some of Louisiana’s Democratic losses.

…[L]ocal races – for everything from school boards to legislative seats and perhaps even congressional districts – could be affected.

…With Texas’ Hispanic population surging and its black population growing faster than the white population, demographic shifts already are pushing the state toward the Democrats. Katrina could help hasten the trend.


Bush Has Put the Nation at Risk – It Is Time for Democrats to Stand Up

Our personal safety and the future of the nation are at grave risk. The Republicans are craftily turning this fiasco that may be criminal malfeasance into an example of why big government doesn’t work. Well, it doesn’t work because we have a man with arrested development, who lives in a bubble, running the government into the ground. Bush has said he’s our CEO. Well, any CEO with his record of failure would have been fired long ago…

It’s time for the Democrats to rise up and stop doing business as usual on the Hill. This is not a time for the hesitant and cautious politicians who consult their high-paid pollsters and image makers before making a move.

The Republicans — and Bush in particular — hand the Democrats GOP political vulnerabilities on a silver platter, day after day. But the Democrats retreat as soon as Rove sends out his message points of the day. “Oh, we don’t want to be perceived as blaming the President and appearing partisan.” Are they nuts? We have the most partisan, selfish, manipulative, sleazy, dishonest, corrupt White House in memory, and the Democrats get scared that they might be called partisan!

Message to the Democrats: you should be defending the interests of the United States of America and its citizens, not worried about how Karl Rove is going to define you. Define him and Bush first.

While the Busheviks were implanting the “It’s not time to play the blame game” mantra in the media (which we can be relatively sure was tested out in an overnight Frank Luntz focus group), the Busheviks were simultaneously blaming local and state officials for the New Orleans recovery disaster. As usual, they took a public “above the fray” posture, while they were knifing people in the back by trying to evade responsibility…

The Democrats have to come out fighting for the national security of America. Forget about an investigation. The facts are in, Bush was in Neverland and the Governor of Louisiana couldn’t even reach a high official in the White House as New Orleans started to become unglued…

It’s time for the Democrats to rise up and stop doing business as usual on the Hill. This is not a time for the hesitant and cautious politicians who consult their high-paid pollsters and image makers before making a move.

It’s time to come out fighting and battle back against the spin, the message points, the slander, the treason, the lies, the incompetence, and the complete lack of accountability that is the hallmark of this ill-fated regime.


Bush on Katrina: In His Own Words, He Shows He Is As Clueless As He Is Feckless and Unequipped to Lead

Until recently, the only area where President Bush’s team exhitbited anything like competence was in message control. In the two weeks since Katrina washed ashore, they have made misstep after misstep. Here are a few quotes from the president in which he unwittingly revealed that he is clueless, out of touch and completely unmotivated to become engaged:

After flying over the disaster in Air Force One:

“It’s totally wiped out. … It’s devastating, it’s got to be doubly devastating on the ground.”

To Republican newsreader Diane Sawyer on ABC – who did not follow up on this obviously incorrect assertion:

“I don’t think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees.”

Today, two weeks later, when asked to explain why he said no one anticipated the levees breaking, President Bush – who has all the information resources of the U.S. government at his fingertips – blames the media for misinforming him:

” What I was referring to is this: When that storm came by, a lot of people said we dodged a bullet. When that storm came through at first, people said, Whew. There was a sense of relaxation. And that’s what I was referring to. And I myself thought we had dodged a bullet. You know why? Because I was listening to people probably over the airwaves say, The bullet has been dodged. And that was what I was referring to.”

Of course, there were plans in case the levee had been breached. There was a sense of relaxation at a critical moment.

Visiting Mississippi, with Sen. Trent Lott – who lost his second home in the storm and who loathes Mr. Bush – standing beside him:

“The good news is — and it’s hard for some to see it now — that out of this chaos is going to come a fantastic Gulf Coast, like it was before. Out of the rubbles of Trent Lott’s house — he’s lost his entire house — there’s going to be a fantastic house. And I’m looking forward to sitting on the porch.”

To his inept, patronage-appointed FEMA Director Michael Brown:

“Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job.”

To House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi after she suggested he fire FEMA director Brown because of his bungling in New Orleans:

“What didn’t go right?”

Out of Touch Bush Did Not Bother to Watch News Coverage of Katrina Disaster

This president – this incurious, deliberately uninformed aristocratic lout – couldn’t even be bothered to turn on a television and witness the destruction of an American city, not to mention the suffering of the citizens he swore an oath to protect?!

Aides burn DVD of disaster highlights: We strongly recommed a new article in Newsweek “How Bush Blew It,” by Evan Thomas. The article offers a lot of shocking inside dope on the dawdling inside President Bush’s bubble while New Orleans was drowning after Hurricane Katrina hit.

But one particularly striking thing is the fact that the president doesn’t even watch television news – even when the nation is struck by calamity:

The reality [of the disaster] did not really sink in until Thursday night. Some White House staffers were watching the evening news and thought the president needed to see the horrific reports coming out of New Orleans. Counselor Bartlett made up a DVD of the newscasts so Bush could see them in their entirety as he flew down to the Gulf Coast the next morning on Air Force One.

WTF?! All three cable news outlets had been live wall-to-wall with coverage of the aftermath of the hurricane since at least Monday.

This president – this incurious, deliberately uninformed aristocratic lout – couldn’t even be bothered to turn on a television and witness the destruction of an American city, not to mention the suffering of the citizens he swore an oath to protect?!


The Naked Emporer and His Credibility Gap

“With gas prices spiraling and an unnecessary war draining billions from the Treasury, Bush’s inadequacies are glaringly obvious, from incompetence to insensitivity. The credibility gap that emerged on Iraq has widened to a chasm with the hurricane aftermath. The media has turned a corner as well, with reporters on the scene in New Orleans liberated to say the emperor has no clothes.”

Eleanor Clift

No Free Speech: Protester Arrested for Pentagon Rally That Sought to Connect 9/11 to War in Iraq

A man was detained by a Pentagon police officer after he slipped a black hood over his head and produced a sign that read, “Freedom?” The man was removed from the Pentagon registration area, handcuffed and taken away in a police car.

Anti-freedom march: What do these two things have to do with each other? 1) The terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2005, and 2) President Bush’s war of whim in Iraq?

Answer: Nothing. Zippo. Zippedity-doo-dah.

Yesterday, the Pentagon (and the White House) held what they called a “Freedom March” across Washington that was promoted as a commemoration of two things : 1) the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 and 2) the prided we feel in our troops in Iraq and elsewhere.

Honoring the troops is good thing but it was non-military civilians – not our troops – who were attacked by the terrorists.

They’re not even bothering to try to be subtle or sneaky. This is full-out Soviet-style propaganda.

The event was set up to prevent war protesters from expressing themselves but a few did show up – and at least one was arrested – and this is an outrage:


The Language of Terror

I’ll take “September 11,” for it’s specificity, for its weight, its extra syllables that give me time to think, to grieve, to blame.

I, like many Americans, spent a good bit of yesterday thinking back to that day four years ago when everything changed. I watched it again on television, reliving the horror and sense of disbelief as the twin towers collapsed, as the passengers on Flight 93 rushed the cockpit, as the Pentagon exploded.

We have come, collectively, to call that day “9/11.” “Nine-eleven” doesn’t sound like what it was, doesn’t sound like 3,000 people died horrific deaths, doesn’t sound like crazed Islamist extremists attacked our country and everyone in it. It was so horrible that we had to come up with a cold, hard number to name it. How else to name the horror that has no name?

Me? I prefer to think of that day as “September 11th.” That’s a date positive, a time, a day, tangible, calling out for us to try to understand, wrap our brains around the inconceivable. I suggest that “September 11th” is a much fitter name for the event than “9/11.”

We’ve done it before. Independence Day is “July Fourth” or “the Fourth of July.” It’s not “7/4.” We’ve had a “V-E Day” and a “V-J Day” to commemorate the European and Japanese ends of World War II. We’ve got “Veteran’s Day,” not “11/11.”

Perhaps our inability to call September 11th what it is stems from the fact that the terrorists won. They changed our whole culture, how we travel, what we think when we look up into a clear blue sky and see the jetliner that always seems too close or on a weird flight path, destined for destruction and death. That’s “9/11.”

“9/11” takes the hurt away a little, gives a little distance from the terrible sight of people leaping to their deaths from the World Trade Center. It helps keep away the thought of those people caught in stairwells as the buildings fell, of firefighters and first responders suddenly crushed under tons of falling concrete and metal.

But “September 11th” better captures the way we rallied, the way New Yorkers and Americans stood up, shell-shocked and awed, and helped each other. The way the nation responded, joined together, the way we remember together a day none of us will ever forget.

So you can keep “9/11,” with its wands and metal detectors, its enemy combatants, its false justification for an immoral war. You can have your “9/11” that provides justification for eviscerating the Federal Emergency Management Administration, for bankrupting the nation, for covering up monumental stupidity and meanness at the top levels of government.

I’ll take “September 11,” for it’s specificity, for its weight, its extra syllables that give me time to think, to grieve, to blame.