Trump’s Mental Decline on Display at Ohio Rally

From the Star Spangled Banner that was intentionally and repeatedly interrupted by Donald Trump reciting lines from the Pledge of Allegiance to his inane and inappropriate salute during the anthem (proper national anthem etiquette calls for removing one’s hat and holding it in one’s right hand placed over one’s heart), his declining mental state was on full display in Ohio last Saturday.

We dare you to watch the whole thing:

Trump’s Attacks on Biden Stem from His Fear of Contracting Alzheimer’s

“Trump’s long fixation on mental fitness followed years of watching his father’s worsening dementia — a formative period that some associates said has been a defining and little-mentioned factor in his life, and which left him with an abiding concern that he might someday inherit the condition. While much remains unknown about Alzheimer’s, experts say there is an increased risk of inheriting a gene associated with the disease from a parent.”

Washington Post

Biden Questions Trump’s Mental Ability to Handle the Pandemic

“After months of failure, he just gave up. You know, I used to think it was because of his personality, but I just don’t think he can intellectually handle it. I don’t think he’s competent enough to know what to do. He just waved the white flag.”

— Joe Biden raised questions about President Trump’s mental capacity, saying he did not have the intellectual know-how to combat the coronavirus pandemic, the Washington Post reports.

Trump’s Personality Flaws on Full Display

“For a narcissist, the most immediate personal need is the most important one. So Trump viewed the burgeoning crisis as a threat to him, not the nation, and he took the steps he usually does in so many circumstances: He denied the threat, claimed he knew better than the experts, and relied on bluster and BS. He did all that instead of adopting early measures that could have slowed the transmission of the virus. … But beyond the narcissism, two other fundamental elements of Trump’s character are likely shaping his response: his obsession with revenge and his sense of fatalism. And both are exceedingly dangerous for the American public.”

David Corn

Trump Really Is a ‘Stable Genius’

“For the last time, this is all part of the plan. Getting himself impeached is actually a strategic triumph for President Trump, and anyone who thinks otherwise is just not playing chess in enough dimensions. Consider what is the greater mark of strategic genius: to mire yourself and your administration in an endless series of idiotic and pointless controversies, often rife with misspellings, damaging your standing at home and abroad, or to NOT do that? If you say the second, you are a fool. This is all part of the plan. Actually, this is good. Actually, this is great. … I repeat, every move that Trump makes, has made or is making, currently, with the president of Finland sitting helplessly by his side, wearing an expression of alarm, is planned. It is a genius plan. It might look like the random, haphazard flailing of a cat that has gotten its head stuck in a bucket. But actually he is in total control.”

Alexandra Petri