Democrats Riding a Green Wave of Money Toward Midterms


Joshua Green: “They’ve caught a green wave of cash— the torrent of money pouring into Democratic campaign coffers helped 73 House candidates out-raise Republican incumbents and opponents in races for open seats in the second quarter, a Bloomberg analysis of Federal Election Commission data shows. … In the second quarter of this year, non-incumbent Democratic House candidates raised more than three times the amount they did in the same period in 2014. That works out to an average of $151,000 per candidate, compared with $101,000 in 2014.”

Republican National Committee Has Already Contacted 20 Million Voters

20 million

“The RNC told NBC News it has already made 20 million traditional voter contacts by phone or door knocking this election cycle, a large number for a non-presidential election year. … That’s just part of the total 487 million contacts it says it has already made this cycle, including emails opened (250 million), calls made for data gathering purposes (183 million), digital petitions or surveys completed (19 million), direct mail sent (9.6 million), and get-out-the-vote calls made (5.6 million).”

O’Rourke Has a Hot Fundraising Quarter

$6.7 million

Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-TX) raised over $6.7 million for his U.S. Senate bid in the first quarter of 2018, “a staggering number that poses a new category of threat” to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), the Texas Tribune reports. “The haul is easily O’Rourke’s biggest fundraising quarter yet, more than double his next-closest total for a three-month period. It also is more than any Democratic Senate candidate nationwide took in last quarter, O’Rourke’s campaign said.” And that’s without taking any PAC money.

Finally – a Pollster Asks How the Majority of 2016 Voters View the Political Scene

logo-pppOn Dec. 21, Public Policy Polling sent out a series of tweets with results from recent polling of normal American voters. As the pollster put it, “We know people get sick of hearing what Trump voters think about things, so here's a thread on what supporters of the popular vote winner think about things…”

Here’s what PPP found in its poll of people who voted for the candidate who won the most votes in the 2016 election:
