Tag: millennials
Big Millennial Majority Wants a Third Political Party
A new NBC News/GenForward poll finds a strong majority of millennials — 71% — say the Republican and Democratic parties do such a poor job of representing the American people that a third major party is needed. “Sixty-three percent of millennials disapprove of the way President Trump is handling his job as president. But millennials also hold a variety of political institutions in poor regard, and 65% think the country is on the wrong track overall.”
Millennials: Trump Sucks
A new Harvard IOP poll finds that just 32% of 18 to 29 year old Americans approve of President Trump’s job performance overall.
Support for Autocratic Alternatives Is Rising
1 in 6
The share of Americans who say that army rule would be a ‘good’ or ‘very good’ thing had risen to 1 in 6 in 2014, compared with 1 in 16 in 1995, according to data from the European and World Values Surveys, reports New York Times. “That trend is particularly strong among young people. For instance, in a previously published paper, the researchers calculated that 43 percent of older Americans believed it was illegitimate for the military to take over if the government were incompetent or failing to do its job, but only 19 percent of millennials agreed. The same generational divide showed up in Europe, where 53 percent of older people thought a military takeover would be illegitimate, while only 36 percent of millennials agreed.”
Clinton Gaining Millennial Support
68% to 20%
Hillary Clinton lead over Donald Trump among millennials, followed by Gary Johnson, according to a new USA TODAY/Rock the Vote Poll of young voters, conducted by Ipsos.
Clinton Holds Huge Millennial Vote Lead Over Trump
Of voters under the age of 35 favor Hillary Clinton, while Donald Trump is backed by only 20%, a new USA Today/Rock the Vote poll finds. “The findings have implications for politics long past the November election. If the trend continues, the Democratic Party will have scored double-digit victories among younger voters in three consecutive elections, the first time that has happened since such data became readily available in 1952. That could shape the political affiliations of the largest generation in American history for years to follow.”
Youngsters Choose Sanders Over Clinton
46% to 37%
Margin by which 18- to 35-year-olds prefer Sen. Bernie Sanders to Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary, according to a new Rock the Vote/USA Today poll. At 74, Sanders is the oldest candidate running for president.
Climate Change Is a Key Issue for Millennials
Of millennials favor setting a goal to power America with at least 50% clean energy by the year 2030 (including 52% who are very favorable). The same poll, conducted by Hart Research Associates, found that “It is clear from our research not only that Millennials accept the science of climate change, but that a candidate who does not is at a disadvantage. We heard throughout our conversations with swing-state Millennials that climate denial is associated with stubborn or backward-looking thinking. And in our survey, 70% of Millennials say they would have major concerns (45% very major concerns) about a Republican candidate who disagrees with NASA, the US Military, and 97% of climate scientists that human activity is responsible for climate change, including 69% of independents and half (50%) of self-identified Republicans.”
Pledging Clinton Allegiance
Hillary Clinton has stepped on a dangerous ledge,
As bettors on her primary win start to hedge.
In order to attend
Her event in Cleveland,
Millennials first had to sign a loyalty pledge.