Raw Story:
MSNBC host Rachel Maddow pointed out on Tuesday that Sen. Pat Roberts’ (R-KS) campaign “reboot” is built on an apparent misrepresentation of his stance on a federal building that was supposed to be built in his state.
Roberts’ campaign debuted an ad on Tuesday portraying the longtime incumbent as a staunch opponent of President Barack Obama’s “failed policies.” Roberts, the ad claimed, led the push for the establishment of the National Bio and Agro-Defense Facility on the campus of Kansas State University.
But Maddow noted that the two headlines touting Roberts’ efforts dated back to 2007 and 2008.
“That was even before Barack Obama was elected president,” she said. “That was before this term for Kansas Senator Pat Roberts in the Senate.”
In fact, Roberts voted against a bill this past January that would have provided $404 million in funding for the project, which has now stalled.