Proof That S.C. Voters Should Never, Ever Get Back Together With Former Gov. Mark Sanford
Former Gov. Mark Sanford’s braying jackassiness shone through in his recent debate with opponent Elizabeth Colbert-Busch. Both are running from South Carolina for a seat in the United States House of Representatives.
The election is Tuesday, May 7, and polls show Busch expanding her lead or tying with Sanford, depending on the political affiliations of the pollsters. Either way, Sanford is no longer going into the election with an air of inevitability.
Come on South Carolina! Every seat in Congress counts, and it’s time to stop sending fiscal hypocrites and knee-jerk “NO!” ninnies* to Washington, and then wondering why nothing gets done there.
*With all due respect to the late Vice Pres. Spiro Agnew.