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- Career Criminal Conman
“Maybe, just maybe, the reason Trump keeps getting indicted for crimes is not that the criminal justice system is in the grips of a vast liberal conspiracy but that he is, in fact, a criminal?”
Since he left office, Donald Trump’s various political committees have spent $905,570 at his own properties, the HuffPost reports.
“This explodes the national security risk by a factor of 10, because now he’s going to be desperate for new loans. Legitimate banks are not going to touch him. So it expands the universe of shady characters who could offer him loans in return for favors that might include disclosing U.S. national security secrets.”
— Joseph Cirincione, a fellow at think-tank the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft, responding to the news that Donald Trump’s accounting firm has stopped being the Trump Organization’s accountant firm, according to the Daily Beast.
$2.4 Billion
Amount accrued by companies owned by the disgraced career criminal conman ex-president during his time in office, from January 2017 to December 2020, based on property records, ethics disclosures, debt documents and securities filings, according to Forbes.