First Jeb said, “No,” then he said, “Yes, but not that way” and now he’s saying, “Oh yeah, baby, more!” Jeb has flip-flopped on drilling for oil off Florida shores more times than the Russian gymnastic squad in the last Olympics. South Florida Sun Sentinel:
Gov. Jeb Bush said Tuesday he supports federal legislation allowing drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, including areas where he aggressively fought energy exploration just four years ago.
The U.S. has only 3 percent of the world’s oil reserves, including the Arctic Refuge, but we consume more than 25 percent of the world’s oil; the U.S. can never drill its way to energy independence.Bush cited new political realities…
Like what political realities? Like global warming from fossil fuel emissions causing hurricanes that wipe out refineries where he wants to put new ones?
This is why it’s so important for environmental protection to be secure from political whim. Marine mammals and coral reefs don’t always realize their guy lost the lost election. Suckers. But since the earth lasts longer than election cycles, it should get top billing.
Environmentalists, Democrats and Republican U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida staunchly oppose the bill, which would allow oil and gas drilling 125 miles from Florida-controlled waters.
They continue to insist that a strong political front in Florida can stop all new drilling in the eastern Gulf.
“Sure they do,” Bush said, deriding their position. “But that’s great. I’ve talked to the fairy godmother about it.”
Has there ever been a more sarcastic and cynical asshole in high office? No, his big brother doesn’t count because he’s not smart enough to be cynical.
Not too long ago, the governor joined these same critics in opposing oil and gas drilling even beyond the 125-mile mark…
“…there will be no new drilling in the Lease Sale 181 Area off the coast of Florida under my watch,” Gov. Bush proudly stated in a news release on July 6, 2001.
But that was before Rep. Richard Pombo came along. Jeb is seeing it differently, now that Pombo has figured out how to turn the Endangered Species Act into the Get Rid of Endangered Species Act, and declare free lumber, gas, and pelts on the house. Pombo, of course, is bankrolled with the dirty $80 million Tom DeLay’s friend Jack Abramoff bilked from the Indian tribes he pretended to lobby for.
Jeb, the article points out, has 16 months left in his term as governor of the state where he moved in the 1980s. But if he gives away Florida’s shores, it’s for keeps. And as Florida Sen. Bill Nelson and so many others have pointed out in refusing to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
The U.S. has only 3 percent of the world’s oil reserves, including the Arctic Refuge, but we consume more than 25 percent of the world’s oil; the U.S. can never drill its way to energy independence.