Bill Bennett: Aborting Black Babies Would Reduce Crime Rate

“I do know that it’s true that if you wanted to reduce crime, you could — if that were your sole purpose, you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down. That would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but your crime rate would go down. So these far-out, these far-reaching, extensive extrapolations are, I think, tricky.”

Bill Bennett, gamble-holic, buffoon and former GOP Education Secretary

The president believes the comments were not appropriate.

— White House press secretary Scott McClellan, regarding Bennett’s inherently and undeniably racist statement

Attention African-American Republicans:

“Bill Bennett wasn’t saying that we should abort all black babies. Only a monster would even suggest such a thing. He was simply pointing out the obvious fact that black people are inherently criminal. He’s not some sort of racist that approves of abortions, he’s a racist who hates abortion. Big difference.

— The Elephant in the Room, The Talent Show


73 thoughts on “Bill Bennett: Aborting Black Babies Would Reduce Crime Rate”

  1. Tom-
    The relationship is extraneous at best. Just because more blacks are arrested and/or prosecuted doesn’t mean that they are more likely to commit a crime. If anything, your numbers show that our justice system is more proned to prosecute blacks than whites. Also, crime is more associated with class than race/ethnicity (the extraneous connection). If you look at crime trends in Europe and Canada, the connection between blacks and crime is virtually null. Minorities in this country tend to be be of lower class, the lower class tends to have fewer opportunities (many aren’t able to hire lawyers). What about white collared crime (which is hugely underestimated by the UCR and NCVRS)? The number of deaths due to W.C.C. is 6 times the homocide rate. The monetary costs are 60 times petty street thefts. Yet the chances of WCC being reported are slim to none. Much research has been done, if you are interested, email me and I will send you some sources.

  2. As a black woman, I am very upset by the many problems I see in the black community and in society as a whole. As I have ceom to know in my years being here on earth, Caucasians, Blacks and no other race of people are perfect. People of all races have a criminal, a deviant element in it. On the other hand there are people from every race (african americans included) that make remarkable strides and contributions in society. So to single out blacks as people in the US have done since the beginning of time, blaming them for all of america’s social ills in my opinion is ignorant and lazy. It is always easier to point the finger and make a scapegoat out of someone else. I am grateful for people like Bill Gates and Oprah WInfrey who want to play a part in contributing to society and giving a chance to those people that are willing to make a difference in life. I am grateful for those people that reach out to help people that help themselves. I truly feel that Bennett intended to make his comment to hurt black people. As a mother and wife, to be honest it make me sad. I have a proud black husband who works hard and takes care of my family and does it well. If anything Bennet has done for me, he has helped to push me a little harder to instill worthwhile values in my family. I want to spew hatred right back to him and other racist people when I read what he said, but I won’t do that. What I have on the inside is stronger than than his stupid, foolishly stated comment and belief.

  3. There are people in this world that act in ways which are unproductive to their well being. As a result they reap the benefits of their actions. For these people who are just looking for someone other than themselves to blame, Bennett has irresponsibly provided an excuse for poor behavior whether they are black or white or yellow or brown.

  4. For that matter, if you abort every white baby in america crime would go down. If you abort every irish born, italian, asian, or hispanic or anything else baby in america, crime would go down. Gees! Come on!

  5. Oh the humanity! da man , Rufus Washington, Tyrone likaboboday, Dan, Tom Anderson, tom, JOJO, Amos, You are the type of people I try to avoid and raise my children to ignore. I wonder what it is about yourself that you feel gives you a superior right to the basic right to “LIVE”. No, I am not a welfare recipient, nor have I ever been. I completed college and my father, a professor at the school paid CASH for it. My husband and I work daily and teach our children to value education, work, and life! Regardless of any criminal stats that you can so eloquently quote, the statements made by Bill Bennett, however taken were highly unethical and idiotic. You can read the transcript, and put the comment into context, at

    Oh by the way Jo Jo, I do thank God for Sickle-Cell as it has made me appreciate the good days when I am not having an episode! But most of all I thank him for sparing my children of the disease. You know, the children Mr. Bill Bennett “may” or “may not” suggest I should abort.

  6. “Numbers don’t lie, Take a statistics class.”

    A couple of years ago I worked for a department store in North East Florida. We had a problem with teenage shoplifters and our stated policy was “we procecute all shoplifters.” In reality if the shoplifter was black and/or male, our manager almost always did call the police and press charges. If the kid was a white female he was more likely to call her parents and ban her from the store.

    If you only looked at the numbers, it would APPEAR that more males and blacks were shoplifing. The reality underlying the numbers was that a pretty equal number were committing the same crime, but a selective group were being being put into the criminal system.

    Numbers don’t lie, they just don’t tell the whole truth.

  7. People People People, I may not be Black but there are sure a lot of times I could say I wish I wasn’t White! Red Yellow Black and White They are PRECIOUS in HIS sight.

  8. I’m unbelievably shocked at the complete lack of respect for life in the world. No one should be blanketed into any category because of their race/religion/creed/color. I don’t think that all the white trash rednecks who think they’re skincolor (of which I share) is more superior than anyone else’s should have been aborted… ALthough I am surprised that any of them weren’t too dumb to survive to adulthood. I pitty the blind sighted racists, for when we die there is no longer race, but whatever awaits us is our own making, based on the life we’ve lead. Good luck to the biggots.

  9. 54.1 percent of persons arrested for robbery were black, 44.1 percent were white.

    That is the math from the aformetioned site claiming buglary stats. Seems the tables have turned, maybe blacks can’t figure their way past a door, but can use their “intimidating” presence to grab a wallet or credit card

  10. For those who justify what Mr. Bennet wrote, I wonder if the same were said about whites in America would they fell happy. Yes I do agree that the crime of arresting more blacks than whites would be reduced. Mr. Bennet’s views on black Genocide is similiar to those Adolf Hitler held reguarding Jews. Last months a teacher in florida verbalized her resentment and disgust for Hispanics, Mexicans and Haitians, This month a former secretary of education sees aborting all black babies as a way to lower the crime rate. Perhaps next month someone else will be advocating violence against homoseuals. Hatred and evil should not be allowed to grow. If it does we will be fighting a war with in our own country against each other.

  11. For those who justify what Mr. Bennet wrote, I wonder if the same were said about whites in America would they feel happy. Yes I do agree that the crime of arresting more blacks than whites would be reduced. Mr. Bennet’s views on black Genocide is similiar to those Adolf Hitler held reguarding Jews. Last months a teacher in florida verbalized her resentment and disgust for Hispanics, Mexicans and Haitians, This month a former secretary of education sees aborting all black babies as a way to lower the crime rate. Perhaps next month someone else will be advocating violence against homoseuals. Hatred and evil should not be allowed to grow. If it does we will be fighting a war with in our own country against each other.

  12. This is the kind of thinking that has started wars and all kind of brutallity to people of all colors. Mentally , where are you and the people who support you? How would you like it if you happen to have a “black baby”, grandbaby in your family, now? Would you be so stupid to say such a thing? How would your family feel about aborting this child? You just never know who may show up for dinner. You should have talked on a different subject or kept your shut.

  13. Let’s be real here. The comment was insensitive to Black people. Don’t try to excuse it. Let’s love one another because if we are divided we will never be able to fight against terrorist attacks from without!

  14. I’m black and honestly believe Mr Bennet is right. But I also believe, to reduce crimes like like child molestation, serial killers, crimes caused by un-detected,un-diagonized alzheimer patients….and other white related crimes around the world, all caucasian white, purple..including the jews, al should be killllllleeed…the pregnant ones first…That way we can have some peace around the world. Now that would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but these white related crimes would go down.

  15. i personally think that till this day it is rather unfortuniate that you whites are still ignorant about blacks in this country,well they were the source of this countries economy and whites make a hell of trouble too. you are too damn racist and you need to shut that shit up and apologize on what you said because it is inappropiate and i hate the thougth of it.

  16. I’m black and honestly believe Mr. Bennet is right as he has a right to his own opinion – freedom of speech. In the light of this, I also believe, to reduce crimes like child molestation, serial killers, crimes caused by un-detected, un-diagnosed Alzheimer patients….and other white related crimes around the world, in particular crimes against humanity e.g. HIV/AIDS…, arming warring factions in Africa to kill themselves so the white man can loot African natural resources…, Slavery…., laboratory engineered viruses and bacteria so pharmaceutical companies can make money thro’ their horrible vaccines…and others that do not come to mind now…. ALL Caucasian WHITE people…pink, purple, red, red-necks…including the Jews, al.. should be killllllleeed…the pregnant ones first…That way we can have some peace around the world. Now that would be an impossible, ridiculous, and morally reprehensible thing to do, but these white related crimes would go down.

  17. I like how you all let a racist comment tear you further apart and argue about which race is the best. Way to encourage fascism in America.

  18. After reading the various comments on this site, i am indeniably saddened by the apathy in our country. Who cares about stats. Wrong is wrong and write is write. It is 2005 and we need to get over racism. I am an African American women, that is in college, willing to work, and i graduated with honors from high school. I have never sold or used drugs and i have no problem helping those in need. So the next time someone wants to utter the words that we are lazy, intellectually slow, and not ethically sound, you need to look at yourself. Bill Bennett was wrong, and he needs to deal with the hand that he dealt.

  19. I’ve read most of the comments and was appalled by the amount of ignorant people out there but it’s not your fault totally you are the product of your environment. This country can not come together as long as people remain blinded and remain boxed in. I am an African American female college student. I have never been on welfare or do I know anyone who has but there are just as there are Caucasian people too. For that one affirmative action question on getting diplomas I don’t know where you got that from because I worked hard to earn mine, and get in to college which my parents pay for out of pocket no government assistance. African Americans had a hand in forming this country and for a race of people who were dragged from their home to a foreign land and treated like animals we have come up tremendously. So for all those who say we were made to work that’s because we are strong people, that because of us the crime rate has risen that’s in areas of poverty where people are still trying to better their situation if it was Caucasians who have poverty stricken neighborhoods where drugs and crimes is also a problem. We as people were held down but are not behind.

  20. This comment will not tear the African American race apart, this is nothing new. I’m glad Mr. Bill kept it real, now it’s time for Bush to tell us how he feels. Yeah, the black on black crime rate is high, but do you konw where they get the guns from? For the record, all of us Negros, Niggas,Niggers, and “you all” know what don’t kill you makes you stronger. Now lets keep it moving!

  21. What’s up, Tom!

    Funny you don’t respond to the content of my message, only the “name” I used as my signature. I suspect you’re really pissed off, eh? You’re pissed that I, a BLACK woman, made it into (and excelled in) the hallowed halls of America’s beloved Ivy League! Ha! I love that! I love that that pisses you off!

    Who paid for my Ivy League education? Is that the best you can do, Tom? Pathetic! But hey, that’s what bigotry and hatred do to people susceptible to them: they find themselves grasping at straws and always ending up with the short one. LOL!

  22. Hey Tom!…where did you read that Africans sold their brothers into slavery..another of your pathetic story/lie told to you by your sorry fore-fathers…Well you need to watch ‘AMISTAD’…cause I don’t know any merchant that will pay his money to buy goods and throw them over-board on the high-sea…except your linage of course. Now let me ask you..why did your fore-fathers buy in the first place?…this is one of the crimes against humanity I’m talking about…whereas you and your generations should be crying till thy Kingdom come….you are still showing you face…what a shame…y’all need to be extinct ASAP.

  23. Tom
    Per the argument of Mr. Bennett, his point is to reduce the crime rate. We’re not looking at the percentage but the numbers. So if his argument is correct, aborting black babies would not make much of an impact as aborting white babies, because more crimes came from whites. Therefore aborting white babies would reduce crime more, and based on the 2000 census, There would be 287,758 less crimes in this instance. So because this is a fact, should a black person get up in public and say aborting white babies would reduce crime? Think about it!

  24. adam and eve were white. so how did black,hispanic,eurpen,french,and there’s 1 white person.i bet you a 100,000,000 that there are more white people that give birth to black babies but some of them don’t regret it!!!!!!

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