What Would Tony Do? Did Tom DeLay’s pal Jack Abramoff, the former high-powered denizen of K Street, really make like Tony Soprano have somebody whacked?
Two men, Anthony Ferrari and Anthony Moscatiello, arrested in the gangland killing of erstwhile Abramoff business partner Gus Boulis.
Unmentioned in today’s AP story are the quarter million dollars in unexplained payments Abramoff business partner Adam Kidan made to Moscatiello, Ferrari and their family members around the time of Boulis’ death.
Short history: GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff was a go-to guy for making deals with House Majority Leader Tom DeLay – as well as an associate of Karl Rove and Grover Norquist, among others.
Turns out he was also a con man of epic proportions. He and the aforementioned Kidan are under indictment for bilking Gus Boulis out of $23 million in the sale of a cruise ship line.
Now circumstantial evidence seems to indicate that he and Kidan put a hit on Boulis, theoretically to stop him from revealing their crime.
Nice crowd the GOP bigwigs run with.
Some women look for their own trouble.