GOP Blame Game Phase 2: Disaster Was Caused by African-American Unmarried Mothers
Over-sexed: Racism is a cancer on the conservate movement:
They are already dusting off their old tried and true southern strategy manual and after more than 40 years it’s like a favorite old song — they just started regurgitating their coded talking points without missing a beat…
On This Weak, George Will basically said that the problem in New Orleans is that blacks fuck too much. Or rather, the problem of the “underclass” can be traced to so many “out of wedlock births.” I think it’s pretty clear he wasn’t suggesting that abortions be made available to poor women…
Last night on the McLaughlin Group, Pat Buchanan was foaming at the mouth about “the welfare state.” He was in his element, getting his “we’re gonna take our cities block by block” Pitchfork Pat mojo back.
These are code words. They aren’t about class — although they will certainly claim that’s what they’re talking about. These are code words for blacks…
White voters have not been systematically disenfranchised, regardless of class, that’s just a fact. And that speaks to the larger issue…
In the modern era, the Republicans party has developed a patented technique for exploiting it. It’s been in disuse for the last few years — war superseded their need for it. But, they only have to pull it out of the package, wipe off the filth from the last time they used it and put it back in action.