Ball Keeps Getting Dropped and New Orleans People Keep Suffering

Jacksonville, Florida was ready for New Orleans’ sick and injured but, once again, somebody up the food chain appears to have dropped the ball.

St. Augustine Record:

The ill and injured from New Orleans emerged from the back of a C-130 Sunday morning to a flight line packed with Jacksonville rescue vehicles. Patients on stretchers were rolled directly into idling ambulances, where doctors waited for them…

The cancellation of a second flight wasn’t publicized until about 2 p.m., leaving about 100 workers and volunteers with a day of uncertainty inside a hangar.

Scores of sailors, Jacksonville Fire Rescue Department workers, Red Cross volunteers and doctors contributed to a federal relief effort as the Air National Guard transported patients from New Orleans to Jacksonville in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

About 100 more patients were expected to arrive in the afternoon, but plans changed at the last minute. The cancellation of a second flight wasn’t publicized until about 2 p.m., leaving about 100 workers and volunteers with a day of uncertainty inside a hangar.

“We’ve been on stand-by for the last few days,” Commanding Officer Chip Dobson said.

Patients who arrived in the morning were taken to nine different hospitals in the Jacksonville area…

At Baptist Medical Center, the staff was ready for a crush that never came.

A nursing supervisor said she offered 47 beds for adults and 13 for children. As of Sunday morning, the hospital served three elderly patients from the New Orleans flight…

Preparations for the event began Tuesday, Dobson said. On that day, workers began setting up supplies in the hangar, he said. The plan followed by all the groups was created in case there was a need for cross-country transport of large numbers of people in need of hospitalization, he said.

“This was an existing plan that has never been activated before,” Dobson said.

It wasn’t immediately clear if more patients would arrive today or in the near future.

Jeez. At what point does the impeachment process begin?


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