Message: I Don’t Care
Left: President Bush plays a guitar presented to him by Country singer Mark Wills, right, backstage after the president gave a speech in San Diego.
Right: Meanwhile, flood waters are rising in the city of New Orleans, where thousands of people are homeless. Fires are burning throughout the city, and looting has been reported in the Central Business District and beyond. Emergency services are stretched past capacity. Food and potable water are scarce. In counties along the Gulf Coast of the Deep South, millions are without power. Property damage from the storm is projected to be greater than Hurricane Andrew, the previously most expensive natural disaster in U.S. history.
Rock on, George!
Hey Kirk,
I’m signing off of this blog now. Have been waiting for your response to me way too long. I guess yall probably drove to the 711 by now, and are in the middle of yer 6-pack of Bud. Are the hound dogs hungry enough to go coon huntin’ tonight? Have a great life.
Mr. Mike:
RE: Negroponte/Military Commitatus There are a number of other sources. Scary. Bush may or may not be scum; the majority of Americans disapprove of his performance. Mr. Bush seems to rely on cheap theatrics(mission accomplished!) and the soaring profits gained by arms manufacturers and Halliburton (KBR up by nearly 300% this year alone) When it is the Carlyle group that is dictating the policy of this country, there will be wars and death and plenty of fools who root from the sidelines as though it were Monday Night Football. Also, the Bush regime qualifies as a fascist government by all fourteen points under the definition of the word “Fascism”; do a search and see for yourself.
Ya know Stuart I am glad to hear that the common people can get along where our gov leaders seem to have lost their way. I am glad to know that you met the real people of this country as I have met a few Ausies who were visitting here an found them to be grand people. When all is said an done it will probably be left up to us to pick up the pieces.
If brains were lard, Bush wouldn’t have enough to grease a skillet.
I also backpacked Oz and was surprised that such a laid-back country has such a hawk for a PM. It is just proof of the conspiracy going on behind the scenes to create candidates and spin them as necessary. Who says these candidates are the best ones to run any country? They were placed into position more than being “voted” in. Voting in the US has become a joke–machine shortages in the more liberal districts.
I am positive the Bush campaign hired many election engineers to piece together his lackluster “victory” though I know he did not win in 2000 and it is looking really doubtful that he actually won in 2004. The polls on his job ratings were in the forties just a couple of months after the 2004 elections, and that just does not wash at all.
i have only one question.
how many of you trust this president.
trust him to do what truthfully is best for your country?
interested in response.
Hey, Mike,
Speaking of guns and Katrina, check this out;
jasgrave333 said…
Richard, yes, I’m intrigued again 33rd degree parrallel at Porlamor… The Quakes are building and several 5.x and above today too…
T’Zempt, you comment again brought me back to ancient Israel;
“when I get home from work. In re: Katrina, I have no problems viewing same as a ‘self-inflicted wound’. Yes, there *are* all sorts of govt. resources available– my husband was part of the Navy relief effort when Mt. Pinatubo erupted– and it *is* criminal that they are not being instantly deployed. That this is not happening makes it look like somebody wants a big body-count… and I cannot help but remember the *sickening* labels ‘useless feeders’ and ‘mudpeople’ in this context.”
In Jesus time, he was sickened, that the SCRIBES AND PHARASEES would the People not of their ‘il’ Amharets – Meaning Peope of the earth or SH1T for a better expression…
Heartless and cruel, to treat people, that haven’t been educated in THESE SECRET TECHNOLOGIES or BENIFITED FROM THE BLATANT ELITIST CULTURE!
33 reasons I had to take the morning off today (mentally), I’m utterly beyond sickened by A BUSH with as much backbone as the jelly in my fridge!
stopping that rant because I could carry on for a long blog, using a lot of DARK Expletives, that I would rarely dig out, except for very special occasions and this is gettin near one of those ‘occasions’
Z, love dat, doin real good bro ;)
Doug, wow what an insight, I knew this technology existed, but the deeper sorounding information was invaluable, as was yours DU DUCK 345.
I was ranting locally today :) about cars and SUBMARINES…!!!
Submarines (USA MILITARY NAVAL) seperate water to make OXYGEN for the crew to breath etc, and then jettison the non used HYDROGEN.
I was thinking about this again today only briefly as it is the reason THE WORLD IS AT WAR APPARENTLY… Terrorism or OIL?
Would we be in IRAQ, if it didn’t have some of the purest crude oil and or possibly a STARGATE?
Are you SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS TELLING US ‘the public’ that this OXYGEN, seperating technology can’t be COMPACTED TO FIT IN CARS???
Lying sacks of greasy oil laden money lovers. I’ve heard of technologies going back 20 years, let alone, this last 10 years.
Each of them as with UFO sightings gets buried then lost in DISINFORMATION…
LETS STOP the lying, let’s just tell the TRUTH to the world, that OIL for energy is bunk and can be done without tomorrow. However the OIL barrons GUCCI shoes need renewing. ranting, seee I told u I could go on… grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
J aka ‘rant rant rant’
2/9/05 12:55 PM
SunKing said…
They biggest problem with the “hydrogen economy” (other than the fact that DoE gave the research money to Big Oil to figure out how to extract Hyrdogen from Oil) is in the distribution of the final product. I can’t remember…maybe it has to do with it blowing up or something, but how to get it to a local station and pump it to your car is the problem. Just google around, the info is there.
Well, at least what TPTB tell us…what was I thinking?
2/9/05 1:04 PM
jasgrave333 said…
SunKing said…
They biggest problem with the “hydrogen economy” (other than the fact that DoE gave the research money to Big Oil to figure out how to extract Hyrdogen from Oil) is in the distribution of the final product. I can’t remember…maybe it has to do with it blowing up or something, but how to get it to a local station and pump it to your car is the problem. Just google around, the info is there.
Well, at least what TPTB tell us…what was I thinking?
2/9/05 1:04 PM
To almost semi quote a SUBMARINER ON CNN about 3 weeks ago (RE THE SEVEN RUSSIAN SAILORS ‘stuck’ SOMEWHERE YADA YADA YADA, the US commander confirmed, that this problem DOES NOT EXIST with US SUBMARINES, as they EXTRACT air from the sea water SOROUNDING THE SUBMARINE
Bro, I’m f[…]g angry you can’t believe. I mean, how transportable is water?
Oh wait a minute it RAINED last night, a LARGE FUNNEL ABOVE YOUR CAR?
Automatic fill up every day!!!
Recharge my LARGE BATTERY to start the seperation process from SOLAR ENERGY or a DYNAMO initial start charge, re-charge…
I was fuming today man, can’t tell u, my Boss is from the US, and his parents are FREAKING, the pumps locally in NEW YORK are charging $4.90 for a GALLON…
Joining up the dots, here.
to quote myself LOL, don’t get to do that often;
‘In Gold we trust’
Molech the GOLDEN calf mentioned in the bible has a double of kind;
the GOLDEN BULL at the New York stock
The stock exchange represents a huge market, originally it was founded and started on the trading of cattle.
The most precious of cattle were the fittest Bulls, as they could produce from many cows fine herds could be produced rendering the bulls owner a rich man!
Today the New York STOCK EXCHANGE carries out the same market and money trading to an ENORMOUS world scale.
Money is the entry ticket and trading for cattle started the stock market.
Here is the thing; Moses broke the 10 commandments when he came down the mountain because the people were worshipping a golden calf.
Worship involves devotion and slaving for… MONEY
Money+Greed=Love of Money
On USA $ currency it states “In God we trust”
Did they spell God wrong?
Gold is the real God for the Golden calf…
Worship then would venerate the idea of people devoting themselves to the obtaining and precuring of money.
The people mentioned above had a very hard time with the golden calf worship. God didnt like it at all.
The World TRADE Organisation is probably just a front for another organisation that has a title that is yet to be Officially recognised from it’s current shaddows, attracting the idea that people are paranoid to mention it – The NWO New World Order… 666
whew, SunKing, thanks for letting me rant a little more, the LAVA coming out mi ears is NOT cooling down…grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
2/9/05 1:15 PM
jasgrave333 said…
CNN situation room, MORE LAVA…
30,000 poor lost people, sitting in freaking horric conditions…
A BUSH is walking about, hugging terrified victims, WHY THE […] can’t he help ship out at least 300 people on his little jolly craft???
WHAT IS GOING ON?????????????????
TV is looking scared and at the window and me… it should. every one who cares… email Jack Cafferty and let him know what you think!!!
2/9/05 1:27 PM
DU Duck 345 said…
jasgrave333 said…
CNN situation room, MORE LAVA…
30,000 poor lost people, sitting in freaking horric conditions…
A BUSH is walking about, hugging terrified victims, WHY THE […] can’t he help ship out at least 300 people on his little jolly craft???
WHAT IS GOING ON?????????????????
TV is looking scared and at the window and me… it should. every one who cares… email Jack Cafferty and let him know what you think!!!
For years now I have been reading strange stories on alternative news sites about the Bush family… connections to drug use and dealing, occult and satanic worship… even pedophelia. If these are true, then alcoholism is NOTHING compared to Dubya’s other problems . And, given that some of these may be true, is it really any surprise that he responds to the suffering of others in this disconnected fashion ? I am not a shrink, but it seems that he may be a candidate for one of the worst mental conditions imaginable ….SOCIOPATH! If so, there is no possibility that he will get any better, at least not in a timeframe that will do our nation any good. It is probably good that the nation good see him on TV last night respond to the pleas of thirst and starvation of others with the mantra:
They may need a good deal greater belly full of this kind of behavior before they finally realize what he is and get rid of him.
2/9/05 1:49 PM
jasgrave333 said…
DU DUCK 345 said…”They may need a good deal greater belly full of this kind of behavior before they finally realize what he is and get rid of him.”
REMEMBER AKAN??? I will be adding some more bible insight, if anyone has anyone questions about AKAN in the bible??? Remember that he AND HIS FAMILY WERE WIPED OUT FOR HIS DISGUSTING SIN!!!
heard u DU DUCK 345, welcome to the blog, love yr input too…
2/9/05 2:00 PM
Hyperdimensional Hedgehog 231 said…
Check this out from
“September 2, 2005 — Who is jamming communications in New Orleans? Ham radio operators are reporting that communications in and around New Orleans are being jammed. In addition, perplexed ham radio operators who were enlisted by the Federal government in 911 are not being used for hurricane Katrina Federal relief efforts. There is some misinformation circulating on the web that the jamming is the resault of solar flares. Ham radio operators report that the flares are not the source of the communications jamming. If anyone at the National Security Agency is aware of the source of the jamming, from direction finding or satellite intelligence, please discretely contact me at (from a private or temporary email account). In this case, the Bush administration cannot hide behind national security and it is the duty of every patriotic American to report such criminal activity to the press. Even though the information on the jamming may be considered classified — it is in the public interest to disclose it. Also, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is reporting that no aircraft over New Orleans have been fired on over New Orleans or anywhere else in the area. Are the reports of shots being fired at aircraft an attempt by the Bush administration to purposely delay the arrival of relief to the city’s homeless and dying poor? The neocons have turned New Orleans into Baghdad on the Mississippi.”
Is this ominous or not ?
2/9/05 2:04 PM
WELCOME TO ‘the’ DEBATE is bush a wanker?
Enterprise Mission
join the bebate add your voice and f*ck the protocol, let’s get a voice and get these dick heads out of the way!
fuck…that guy is a fucking idiot.
gives hope to all the idiots of america that one day they too can be president.
Dear Juli…Had to reply though you may never see this.
As one of zillions affected by Katrina, I had no power for weeks so didn’t get much for news. Watching a SpikeLee documentary I was told that Dubya played air guitar at a San Diego speech right after Katrina. Had to get somewhere to verify this. Reading your post as to GWB’s ‘stupidity’ ‘giving hope to other ‘idiots that think they can be President’, I’m quite sure we have our answer to your prediction, now nearly 13 years later. Only thing I’ll say for GWB is that while he could have been ‘very stupid’, at least he had/has something of a heart, a conscience. This poisonous, gelatinous, day-glo orange mass that attempts to feign ‘presiding’ over ANYthing other than his daily feedbag of burnt fatburgers and puny-thimbed moronic,evil tweets makes me nostalgic for ‘simple George’….??
The President could convert to islam in a parisian mosque while fucking Barbara Streisand and the lefty nerd herd would still complain.
What is the smirking monkey doing today? strumming his non existant character???
He don’t care what politicks he is, heck you could paint him green and make him to the waggle every wednesday, as long as you called him ‘Puh-resident’ and OIL his Greasy pockets with Ca$H, the dribbling good don’t care… he don’t even know…
why are we surprised that bush is such an idiot? we saw before his first election that he couldnt find europe on a map when asked to do so. he thought toronto was a U.S. City. These are not Michael Moore fabrications, WE WATCHED HIM! Who are you idiots that voted for him?????
Do you really think people are stupid enough to read this site and believe what you are trying to sell! Please start telling the truth! Not try to turn things around to make the President look bad.. Bill Mayor is a joke and so is the site.. You talk about the media hiding the truth, YES they do.. None of the good that Bush does is ever talked about.
when he’s stopped taking it up the ass from SATAN, then we’ll look at what fecking good??? oh more of the sadistic porn… he deserves it
UH…you all have posted no proof that those events actually happened at the same time, and in a capatalist republic like the united states was intended to be, the government actually has no responsibility to help accident victims. no where in the constitution was helping people financially or giving subsidies sanctioned. technically the people should be rebuilding their own homes and helping each other.
The president told us that we needed to fight in Iraq to save lives here at home, and yet — after moving billions of domestic dollars to the Persian Gulf — there are bodies floating through the streets of Louisiana. What does George W. Bush have to say for himself now?
GW Bush strummed while New Orleans flooded