It’s hard to imagine how conservatives can look at themselves in the mirror these days. Their knee jerk reaction to any criticism of their Dear Leader – who is by far the worst president in United States history – is to change the subject away from the substance of the criticism by sliming the critic, no matter who it is.
But can they take this too far? Sure. Will they? Absolutely. Have they crossed the line by sliming Cindy Sheehan, the liberal activist “Peace Mom?” It’s too soon to say. But the sliming of Cindy has certainly begun.
It started on Thursday, when Fred Barnes, editor of The Weekly Standard – and the biggest jerk and rightwing tool on the public stage now that Robert Novak has been sidelined – described Sheehan as a “kook.”
If she is, Fred, what are you?
John Podhoretz called her protest “political theater” [in] National Review’s blog, The Corner.
This morning, the Drudge Report posted a banner headline, claiming “BUSH PROTESTING MOM CALLS FOR ‘ISRAEL OUT OF PALESTINE’; VOWS NOT TO PAY TAXES.”
And conservative columnist and blogger Michelle Malkin put up an “unconfirmed report” that Sheehan’s husband, Patrick, had filed for a divorce.