Schroeder to Bush: Take Military Option Against Iran Off the Table

President Bush’s poll numbers are low because he is an abysmally poor president – especially in the arena of foreign affairs.

President Bush’s poll numbers are so low that he is now the most unpopular president since Nixon during Watergate. And of course, nothing boost poll numbers like the rally ’round the effect of going to war. Still, it’s shocking to hear sable-rattling statements, first from President Bush yesterday, and recently from his Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, indicating that war planning against Iran may be well underway.

Late yesterday, German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder spoke out, warning Mr. Bush that Europe is dead set against the United States going to war with Iran:

Mr. Schroeder directly challenged Mr Bush’s comment that “all options are on the table” over the Iran crisis.

“Let’s take the military option off the table. We have seen it doesn’t work,” Mr Schroeder told Social Democrats at the rally in Hanover, to rapturous applause from the crowd.

Mr. Schroeder said it remained important that Iran did not gain atomic weapons, and a strong negotiating position was important.

President Bush’s poll numbers are low because he is an abysmally poor president – especially in the arena of foreign affairs. He had better find a way to deal with Iran diplomatically because he will lose support completely in this country if her pursues the military option.


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