Those Crazy Florida Drivers: Rep. Alan Grayson Hits a Bus

Health Care Overhaul Grayson
Former U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson

When former Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.) hit the side of an Orlando transit bus earlier this month, it’s doubtful he meant to give opponents in his race to represent a newly drawn Congressional district rich deposits of metaphors to mine. But boy, did he.

  • Nat Sillin, spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee: “If you thought the only thing reckless about Alan Grayson was his big-government, tax-and-spend agenda, think again. It turns out on the road to destroying jobs, he’s endangering innocent bystanders in more ways than one.”
  • Mark Oxner, Republican running for the new Dist. 9 seat: “Alan Grayson’s driving record is bad, but his voting record is even worse. His progressive policies would run our economy under the bus. His driving may be a threat to our streets, but his political views are a threat to our future. One of the scariest things you can hear: ‘I’m Alan Grayson, I’m from the government, and I’m driving over to help.'”
  • Dave Barry on Florida: ‘Everybody drives in the left lane, at speeds ranging all the way from Indianapolis 500 down to Car Wash’
  • Julius Melendez, Republican also running for the new Dist. 9 seat: “[Grayson’s] imperfect driving isn’t the important issue in this race. My driving record isn’t perfect either, but…If the voters of District 9 vote for him, he’ll drive the budget and our future the way he drives his Mercedes Benz.”

Critics point to a history of vehicle violations that might be considered excessive outside of Florida, where according to humorist and Florida resident Dave Barry, the state “automatically issues a driver’s license to every new arrival, including stranded whales. We have so many motorists driving into buildings down here that in some areas you’re safer standing in the middle of the street, where they’re less likely to hit you.”


Poll Shows “Most Vulnerable” Democrat is Popular with Republicans

A poll commissioned by U.S. Rep Alan Grayson (D-Orlando) shows he is the unlikely pick among Central Florida Republicans in the race for the Florida District 8 seat. Yes, the man named “most vulnerable” by national Republicans after announcing on the House floor that the Republican plan for health care is to not get sick, and if you do get sick, to die quickly, is actually preferred by 27.8% of registered Republicans.

…Grayson is far and away the leading choice among registered Republicans in FL-8. In fact, he has almost twice as much support among Republicans as all his Republican opponents combined.

In the poll, Grayson won the support of 27.8% of registered Republicans. None of Grayson’s 13 opponents scored higher than 3.7%. Their combined performance was only 14.5%. The remaining 57.7% of registered Republicans were undecided.

30.1% of registered Republican women support Grayson. And Grayson has the support of 25.5% of registered Republican men.

Grayson also has an enormous lead in name recognition. 76.9% of Republicans know Grayson; none of his opponents scored higher than 15.1%. 81.4% of Republican men know Grayson, and 72.4% of Republican women know him.

While there is some mystery around the methods of Middleton Market Research, which produced the study, analysts agree it uncovers a problem for the GOP: a lack of credible candidates.

Grayson, of course, claims the results show that people not only know who he is but that they support his efforts.

Grayson received high marks from Republicans for his Constitution initiative. Over half of all Republicans said that they were more likely to vote for Grayson because he passed a resolution urging high schools to teach the Constitution, and he had distributed tens of thousands of copies of the Constitution throughout the district…

Asked to comment, Congressman Grayson said, “it’s like I’ve been saying: People like a Congressman with guts…People of every political persuasion want to see action to help solve their problems, and that’s what they’re seeing from us.”

When asked if he might run in the Republican primary, Grayson said, “as this poll shows, if I did, then I would win.”

There was one more piece of bad news in the research, at least if you’re Gov. Charlie Crist.

…Grayson is more popular among Republicans than Republican Governor Charlie Crist is. 42% of Republicans have an unfavorable opinion of Crist, far more than those who have an unfavorable opinion of Grayson.