Vote, Even If It’s for Moderates. Hell, Especially If It’s for Moderates!

Here’s a great video produced by Progress Florida, but worth watching even if you live elsewhere. Remember folks, they are turning out the base this election. As Democrats and progressives, we can’t prove that the only way to get us to vote is to also appeal to our most extreme views. If you’re not enthusiastic about supporting moderate or even conservative Democrats, then you can’t complain when Republicans and tea baggers continue to trot out their most extreme candidates, the ones least likely to get anything helpful done in Washington or state capitals. Now go vote.


One thought on “Vote, Even If It’s for Moderates. Hell, Especially If It’s for Moderates!”

  1. Because it is now far too late to promote more progressive candidates in too many areas, the promotion of moderates is the only intelligent alternative to allowing the Tea Baggers to dominate the Congress. I just hope that the Democrats don’t again forget how to be a majority party should they somehow keep power.

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