Iran: Senators’ Letter Just a ‘Propaganda Ploy’

In our view, this letter has no legal value and is mostly a propaganda ploy. It is very interesting that while negotiations are still in progress and while no agreement has been reached, some political pressure groups are so afraid even of the prospect of an agreement that they resort to unconventional methods, unprecedented in diplomatic history.

— Iranian foreign minister Javad Zarif, quoted by the New York Times, on a letter sent by 47 Senate Republicans to scuttle nuclear talks with Iran.

Republicans Have Decided Not to Respect Presidency as Long as Obama is Around

It’s safe to say that no president in modern times has had his legitimacy questioned by the opposition party as much as Barack Obama. But as his term in office enters its final phase, Republicans are embarking on an entirely new enterprise: They have decided that as long as he holds the office of the presidency, it’s no longer necessary to respect the office itself.

— Paul Waldman, writing about the 47 Republican senators who signed a letter to Iran’s leaders explaining that any agreement with President Obama is only good for as long as he holds office in the Washington Post.